[Openicc] List Scope

Hal V. Engel hvengel at astound.net
Wed Jan 30 10:21:49 PST 2008

On Wednesday 30 January 2008 08:46:31 Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Jan 2008, Graeme Gill wrote:
> > But I guess if the general consensus is that such discussions
> > are too technical and low level for this list, then there
> > is a simple solution, and that is that it's time to start
> > a mailing list for those interested in discussing color
> I should point out that my opinion is just my own opinion which is no
> more equal than anyone else's opinion.  The detailed discussions that
> I was not interested in are obviously important.  I continue to think
> that this group needs to be more supportive of those who are primarily
> interested in integrating the work of others (such as your own) in
> order to bring it to the "common man".  Without this, color management
> will remain on the fringe and will only be supported by a few
> applications which were willing to implemement a from-scratch
> framework just for that application.
> A possible solution to the "excessive detail" problem is to set up
> several cooperating lists in order to allow detail discussions for
> each major sub-domain (display, print, film, measurement).  The main
> annoyance with this approach is that people are likely to cross-post
> which may result in more mail for some participants.
> Bob

My perspective is that although we do need to be concerned with the "excessive 
detail" problem it only becomes a issue at a certain point.  This happens 
either when total list traffic reaches a certain level or when the amount of 
traffic with "excessive detail" reaches a certain level.  I don't think we 
are anywhere near those levels yet.   There appears to be a tendency for 
these very focused threads to pop up on occasion on what is otherwise a very 
quite list and then die down in a few days. This does not bother me at all 
and personally I wish it would happen more in part because it tends to spur 
activity on other subjests.  In addition I don't think the printer discussion 
that was going on had devolved too far away from this lists intended purpose 
and if it had this had not gone on long enough to become an issue.

On the other hand I do agree that the primary purpose of this list is to work 
issues related to integrating CM into users desktops as well as working 
issues related to things like common widgets, libraries and other ways we can 
all better leverage the work we are doing.  So in that respect your comments 
were a reminder that these issues are still out there and need to be worked.

Splitting the list into sub-domain lists might be needed at some point but my 
feeling is that now is not the right time for this.


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