[Openicc] ICC support for HDR Images

Tomas Carnecky tom at dbservice.com
Fri Apr 11 06:00:09 PDT 2008

In the prospect of doing a Google Summer of Code project about 
integrating color management into X11, I'd like to start reading about 
that subject to have at least a more in-depth knowledge about the 
science around colors. When I order the books now it will take about two 
weeks until they arrive and I'd like to at least look through them 
before LGM (which is 8-11 May).


edmund ronald wrote:
> I am crossposting your question to the colorsync list as it is very
> much on-topic
> You might also post a question explaining your needs on the ICC site
> http://www.color.org/index.xalter
> On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 1:09 PM,  <tom at dbservice.com> wrote:
>> Quoting edmund ronald <edmundronald at gmail.com>:
>>> I gave the original references. The Fairchild book, I believe gives
>>> the basics of color science and colorimetry - how color is perceived
>>> and what color spaces and metrics one can use to define what is
>>> perceived. The Phil Green book explains the technology of device
>>> independent color reproduction which is presently founded on ICC
>>> profiles, so it's more focused on what the  engineering models are for
>>> different device classes. I guess I should put up some decent reviews
>>> on my site.
>>  Is there any other book you'd recommend for a beginner or someone starting
>> to dive into color science?
>>  tom

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