[Openicc] ArgyllCMS Version 1.0.0 released

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Mon Jun 30 18:34:14 PDT 2008

I'm pleased to announce the release of V1.0.0 of ArgyllCMS.

Apart from numerous bug fixes and many minor feature additions and improvements, the main changes
to this version compared to the V0.70 Beta 8 are:

     * Speedup in profile and device link generation (inversion code), and better memory usage.
     * Support for embedded profiles in TIFF files.
     * Support for installing and uninstalling and loading of display profiles for all
       operating systems, and a micro CMM system for X11/Linux
     * Improved display calibration and profiling, including ambient light adjustment.
     * X11 XRandR 1.2 support added.
     * Raster test charts now supported, as well as PS and EPS.
     * Guidance for installing on a wider range of systems.
     * Fixed luminance and ambient calibration issues with various instruments.
     * Renamed "profile" to "colprof", and "icclink" to "collink" to avoid clashes that
       have arisen with other executable names.
     * Streamlined source code build system, for much easier building.
     * Installation archives now include a top directory, and gzip/tar format for OS X and Linux.
     * Added B2A table to input device LUT profiles by default.

Compare to the V0.60 release, additional changes are:

     * Added quick display ICC profile creation as part of calibration.
     * Added support for the Huey, Spyder 2, DTP20, Eye-One Pro, DTP22/Digital Swatchbook,
       Eye-One Display 1 and 2 instruments.
     * Changed to GPL Version 3 license.
     * Countless other bug fixes and feature enhancements.

As usual, a more detailed description of all changes is in the log.txt file that accompanies the source code.

See <www.argyllcms.com> to download the release and for more details.

Graeme Gill.

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