[Openicc] [argyllcms] Re: OT: PDF frustration

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Sun Oct 5 12:00:11 PDT 2008

Am 04.10.08, 11:44 -0700 schrieb Hal V. Engel:
> handle it at the application level (like today).  The sad part about this is 
> that ghostscript already has some CM capabilities thanks to Graeme and the 
> ghostscript team is in the process of implementing complete support.  A PDF to 
> raster CUPS filter based on ghostscript instead of poppler would likely have 
> had full CM support long before most users systems had been converted to a PDF 
> based printing work flow and all of these systems would have had CM by default 
> at that point as part of the printing system.  
> The real question is what do we do about it?  I have also been in contact with 
> the printing community about this and there seems to be little interest in 
> converting to ghostscript for either the CPD or the new CUPS pdftoraster 
> filter.  In addition poppler is widely used in various viewers such as Evince 
> and Okular which means that the problem is more wide spread than just these 
> new printing work flows.  It could very well be a good idea to try to work 
> with the poppler team to implement CM in the poppler library since this would 
> correct this issue across a wider range of situations for users.  For some 

We have a real commitment from the Ghostscript community. So I would at 
the moment not solely focus to a non standard conforming pice of code.

Some parts of the previous printing architecture discussion I must have 
missed. About a final decision for Poppler I would have to (re-)read.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management 
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org

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