[Openicc] [argyllcms] OT: PDF frustration

Leonard Rosenthol leonardr at pdfsages.com
Sun Oct 5 11:24:17 PDT 2008

I think you'd do better with your $$ to hire/contract the original  
author of Xpdf (on which Poppler is based) to get him to add CM  
support...He is familiar with both the code base and PDF itself -  
though he may need a bit of background on CM - but not much...


On Oct 4, 2008, at 5:09 PM, Hal V. Engel wrote:
> Most of the work needed in poppler is structural in nature to bring  
> the code
> in line with the PDF specifications so that CM specific code can be  
> added.
> The PDF specifications are fairly clear on how this should work and  
> it is
> fairly easy to see how the code would need to be structured to  
> implement the
> specification.  This restructuring is for the most part simple work  
> but there
> is enough of it that it is a big job and it will impact a  
> significant part of
> the code base.  Fortunately the poppler code makes good use of the  
> OO features
> of C++ so most of the external API would not be affected.  Once the  
> code was
> restructured adding CM would be a fairly simple task.  In fact if  
> the code had
> been structured in line with the PDF specification I would have  
> likely already
> submitted patches for preliminary CM support.  But when I saw how  
> much work
> was needed to get it to the point where those patches would be  
> useful I backed
> away.  But a bounty dangled in front of the poppler developers to  
> prep the
> code for adding CM might get the results we need in a fairly short  
> time frame.

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