[Openicc] GSoC & oyranos

Yiannis Belias jonnyb at hol.gr
Fri Mar 27 10:31:45 PDT 2009

O/H Kai-Uwe Behrmann έγραψε:
> Hello Yiannis,
> thanks for publishing your code. I will look later at it.
> GLSL would be the way to go with most plug-ins to obtain
> harware acceleration. Support should cover offscreen
> rendering. I we find someone with good 
> experience in bringing OpenGL/Shader support to Oyranos
> you could possibly write some tonemapping in shader 
> language ;-) But thats completely open.
> Best regards,
> Kai-Uwe Behrmann

Hello Kai-Uwe,
I've been hearing lately about OpenCL. If there is a way to test it in
linux before the end of summer(who knows...), I want to give it a try.
Nvidia has a transition paper from cuda to opencl[1].
Zack Rusin has bloged[2] about it and also introduced it on a talk in Camp KDE[3].



Yiannis Belias  <jonnyb at hol.gr>                    `
Homepage [http://users.hol.gr/~jonnyb/video] '              .
GNU+LINUX:                                            '           '
IN A WORLD WITHOUT FENCES WHO NEEDS GATES?      .                     *

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