[Openicc] Gsoc2010 - oyranos API stabilization project

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Tue Mar 30 23:58:58 PDT 2010

Am 30.03.10, 22:19 +0300 schrieb Yiannis Belias:
> Hello list!
> Last year I worked on the oyranos device backends gsoc project and it was a great
> experience for me. As a continuation of that work, I'm writing to propose a project
> for gsoc 2010, not currently in the wiki page.
> Right now Oyranos has a big part of the API in an alpha state.
> So, the objective is to work on the necessary parts of oyranos, so that by the
> end of summer, at least the most wanted functionalities will be ready for wider use.
> The parts that need work (on the alpha API's) include the generic objects and values handling,
> device api, profile api and probably parts of the module api's.
> Also, the necessary documentation should be added.

That would be a great project to get Oyranos' core in better shape.

> I'm looking forward for your comments, on what should actually be implemented
> for a project like that to be successful, given the gsoc time frame.

Currently Oyranos is rather complex. The configuration parts are
exposed by a limited stable API and the object oriented stuff as used in 
kolor-manager and ICC Examin. The CMM related graph handling is interwoven 
with configuration constraints and the UI exposition through XFORMS[1]. So 
often enough APIs can not be exposed separately, say the CMM part for 
colour conversion or the named colour API, which have otherwise not 
changed much in recent months.

Oyranos has a small C code generator[2] for object oriented structures and 
belonging functions. I started to support spliting object code into 
public generic structures and a internal full blown object part. This 
could be used to generate most objects structures from scratch and port 
the actual functionality by copy and past. Adding missed tests for the 
ported APIs would be of good help through the process.
This would be a large part of the project and allow the profile, device 
configuration and possibly named colour APIs to become supportable in a 
stable API.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management 
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org

[1] http://www.oyranos.org/doc_intern/structoyCMMapi4__s.html
[2] http://www.oyranos.org/scm?p=oyranos.git;a=blob;f=oyranos_gen_api.c

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