[Openicc] Fedora CM, was: Google Summer of Code . . .

Markus Raab openicc at markus-raab.org
Thu May 20 10:35:40 PDT 2010


Am Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2010 schrieb Richard Hughes:
> > Elektra is pretty alive and under development:
> No, Elekra is dead. Last stable release was two years ago. The IRC
> channel is empty, and the mailing list is averaging less than an email
> a month. No distro (to my knowledge) ships the library by default in
> either the community or supported version. I don't know any other
> project, other than Oyranos that requires Elektra as a hard
> dependency. That qualifies as dead in my book.

So you judge a project only by how many discussion it has and not by its code?

> > Hints about a debuggable and flexible object systems in C are really
> > welcome, especially now.
> It's already been solved. You shouldn't be inventing the wheel. Just
> use GObject and Gio. If you want to use C++, use Qt. I'm not sure what
> an object system has to do with a CMS. From a 40,000ft view an
> application just wants to transform an image to make the colors
> different. I'm not sure where the requirement for an object system
> fits into that use case.

Have you heard of cross-desktop? Unfortunately C++ and QtCore is a no-go for 
Gnome's core and GObject is not a good choice for kde.


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