[Openicc] Fedora CM, was: Google Summer of Code . . .

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Fri May 21 00:55:36 PDT 2010

On 21 May 2010 08:26, Kai-Uwe Behrmann <ku.b at gmx.de> wrote:
> You miss the point.

I'm not sure I do; if Fedora was to pull Oyranos into Fedora in the
base install, we also have to pull Elektra into the base install. If
we have Oyranos in Fedora, then by logical progression we'll probably
have Oyranos in the next version of RHEL. Which we support for a
loooong time. Furthermore, _I_ would be the Red Hat employee
maintaining the stack of packages if such a thing would happen.

So, as such, if somebody asks me if a package will be installed in
Fedora by default, the long term maintained status and activity of
projects that it depends on are my *primary* concern. If nothing else
depends on that library then there is no real onus on the guys at Red
Hat to spend money hiring people to contribute and fix problems in the
supporting libraries. Also, from a dependency point of view, every new
byte on the install media has to be justified, and pulling additional
questionable deps onto the Live media is a sure way to get the
original proposal vetoed.

If there is no "CMS" installed by default, then nobody is going to be
using it. Nobody thinks "hey, this morning I'm going to install a
color management framework" and this is why I'm pushing hard to have
GNOME Color Manager in the default desktop set of GNOME 2.31 and for
the pixel transforming bits pushed into the toolkits. If we make color
management hard, nobody is going to do it. It we make it easy, well,
some people just might use it.


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