[Openicc] Fedora CM, was: Google Summer of Code . . .

Hal V. Engel hvengel at astound.net
Fri May 21 11:21:15 PDT 2010

On Friday 21 May 2010 10:34:43 am Cyrille Berger wrote:
> I could not find a distribution that have a package of elektra (I checked
>  for  Ubuntu, Debian and OpenSuSE (for which I found a package on the build
>  service by community people, I would not consider it to be an official one
>  though), I didn't check FC/RH, I assumed Richard would not make a big deal
>  if it was included...).

Gentoo has elektra in portage.  But Gentoo has just about everything in 
portage.  I also find the elektra dependency to be an issue because oyranos is 
the only system on my machine that needs it.  On the other hand it has not 
caused any problems and has worked nicely with oyranos.  

Of course there is the issue of what you use on the back end to store 
configuration info that is DE/tool set independent.  This is a long standing 
issue for the linux/unix community since each DE/tool set seems to use it's 
own utilities for this which makes what should be common configuration data 
incompatible if you switch DE's.  Elektra does do this in a DE/tool set 
independent way but as Cyrille points out it is also a barrier to the use of 
oyranos and other systems that use elektra since elektra is not in common use 
(IE. already installed on many/most systems).


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