[Openicc] Fedora CM, was: Google Summer of Code . . .

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Sat May 22 01:22:09 PDT 2010

Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:

> This is served by a C API in Oyranos, CLI in ArgyllCMS and Oyranos. GCM 
> is tightly integrated into Gnome and serves this purpose for Gnome. A 
> similiar integrated tool is developed for KDE.

This points to the heart of the matter. From one point of view various
projects are being "selfish", "NIH" etc. in creating their own solutions
to the same problems (color management, configuration etc.), rather than
working to a common solution that will work across all Linux, or Unix like,
or even all systems (OS X, MSWin as well). But on the other hand,
these are difficult things to get right. You either have to get
consensus and buy-in from those with a stake in all these systems
and cater to all their reasonable needs (usually a very long and difficult
task), or make a system that is so good and complete that it's the obvious
choice. So another point of view is that such projects are just being
pragmatic. By solving just the problems in their purview, they are able
to do it quickly, efficiently and well.

So while I think something like Elektra is a really good idea,
it's a hard sell, since most environments already have something
that works fine for them, and they have much less concern for
trying to make things work in a wider context. (I contemplated
using Elektra for Argyll, but wasn't happy having such a dependence.
Instead I created a more focussed solution that could be encompassed
by something like Electra. See <http://www.argyllcms.com/doc/ucmm.html>).

Graeme Gill.

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