[Openicc] Linux CM ideology, was: meta data in test chart

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Thu Feb 3 21:18:28 PST 2011

Chris Murphy wrote:
> I agree, but this is really untenable in the current 9 month product cycle they are in.
> They are changing panels and products even mid-stream production. There's so much
> demand to get stuff out, and materials are so different that they actually can't make
> them behave like sRGB. It's not a gamut size issue, it's the shape due to different
> primaries.

That all works against them doing anything though. They are so focussed on the
next box, time to market, features, applications, alliances and market share, that
as long as there is color and movement ("oooh - shiny!" "See how bright it is!"
"See how small the pixels are!"), everyone is happy.

Only if the rapid change slows down, and companies have to start competing on
more subtle details (like whether colors match between devices), will
there be any interest in color management.

[ Actually, what I write above isn't strictly true. There is one group
  within the portable platform developers that worry about color,
  and that's the people responsible for the camera. But while they may
  use color management tools to solve their problems, it's a closed
  problem - they are only really worried about how their own photo's
  appear on their display, and to a far lesser degree how their photo's
  look on other displays. It isn't their task to introduce sane color
  management, or worry about intra-operability, and they don't have time
  to worry about it anyway. ]

The bottom line is that system wide color management is driven primarily by
special interests, ie. graphics arts professionals and the applications vendors
that cater to them. A similar and more diverse group is photographers, and
some of the amateur enthusiasts.

Graeme Gill.

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