[Openicc] Linux CM ideology .. Linux CM proposal

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Tue Feb 8 16:23:34 PST 2011

Chris Murphy wrote:

> The average Mac user probably has 10-20. A typical Adobe Photoshop user with one inkjet
> will have around 30 profiles. Anyone making custom profiles is probably automatically
> in the 100+ profile range.

Right. But per device it's a much smaller number. So searching through an
(in memory) list of profile names and attributes (that may have been extracted
from the configuration file, or the profile itself), to find the best
match to the current printer configuration amongst a dozen profiles,
should take a fraction of a micro second, even for a linear search.

Given a complicated enough matching criteria, and an SQL query probably
won't help anyway.

Graeme Gill.

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