[Openicc] CUPS Color Management under Linux gets into distros
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
ku.b at gmx.de
Mon Feb 14 00:55:32 PST 2011
Am 13.02.11, 19:14 -0800 schrieb Hal V. Engel:
> On Sunday, February 13, 2011 06:58:51 PM Koji Otani wrote:
>> I am not an expert about Color Management. But I would do what I can
>> do.
>> As for Rendering Intent,
>> it seems that there is a patch by other.
>> --------
>> Koji Otani
>> From: Till Kamppeter <till.kamppeter at gmail.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Openicc] CUPS Color Management under Linux gets into distros
>> Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 19:29:08 +0100
>> Message-ID: <4D542E74.3050408 at gmail.com>
>> till.kamppeter> On 02/10/2011 07:40 AM, Koji Otani wrote:
>> till.kamppeter> > As Mr. Engel wrote, poppler doesn't support rendering
>> intent in PDF till.kamppeter> > content,
>> till.kamppeter> > INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC is hardcoded in it.
>> till.kamppeter> > This is because that too many changes on poppler were
>> needed till.kamppeter> > when I created patch for poppler.
>> till.kamppeter>
>> till.kamppeter> Otani-san, could you continue working on the Color
>> Management support till.kamppeter> of Poppler, adding the missing
>> features? This would be great. till.kamppeter>
>> till.kamppeter> Till
>> till.kamppeter>
> Yes a patch was created in response to the bug report I opened. It appears to
> be doing the right thing when you look at what is happening in the code but
> when run against pdf files that have tests for rendering intent it fails the
> tests. GhostScript also fails that same test so I am not sure what is going
> on. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps the tests are intended for
> CMY(K) output since I only tested this with RGB output at this point. Does
> that seem plasible? Kai-Uwe were your tests of this with RGB output or did
> you test with CMY(K) output? I will test this in tomorrow when I have some
> time to look at it.
The GWG 131 PDF looks as promised in Acroview. I noticed that viewer
displays overprint effects in Altona. So I tried to render a Cmyk with
GS-9.01 and then watch that on screen. Still the test failed.
For poppler testing I used the stock xpdf application and the
pdftoppm from poppler-0.16.2 with the applied rendering intent patch.
kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org
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