[Openicc] Color Management for Ubuntu

Till Kamppeter till.kamppeter at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 12:11:38 PDT 2011

On 04/29/2011 03:45 PM, peter linnell wrote:
> Hi Till,
> Big question: Why limit this to just Ubuntu ?

In general this planning should be done for all distributions, I only 
said "for Ubuntu" because I am packaging the printing stack for Ubuntu 
and on the upcoming Ubuntu Developer Summit I want to make the Ubuntu 
developers aware of introducing color management to Ubuntu to not stay 
behind Fedora.

So we should really work out a color management stack to be implemented 
in all distributions and take care that the distributions do not come 
with their own, different, and incompatible approaches.

So we should somewhere write up how a Color Management stack for 
distributions should look like, taking into account the special needs of 
Linux distributions and of end users.

Best would be to get something together already next week, so that it 
can be also used for the Ubuntu specification and be discussed on the 
Ubuntu developer Summit. Having the opinion of one additional distro 
will make it easier for the others to follow.


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