[Openicc] Suggestion on the Device Config JSON format

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Fri Jul 8 23:12:10 PDT 2011

Am 08.07.11, 12:42 -0600 schrieb Sebastian Oliva:
> While implementing the format, it came to my attention, that the
> actual format uses enumeration of devices, such as """ {1: {
> device:abcd } , 2:{ device: wxyz} } """ to represent an array of
> devices.

This scheme came from a file based approach to store configurations in a 
DB, namely the Elektra DB. I think Oyranos could be enabled to convert to 
that old format of indexing arrays in case it needs to.

> The JSON spec [1], includes a native array class that would change the
> representation of the previous array to something like: """
> [{device:abcd},{device:efgh}] """ a more detailed example is in [2]. I
> suggest this change, as it would ease the implementation with native
> JSON decoders.

This looks easier for implementors. I would like to follow that suggestion 
for the xcm/xcolor git repository.

> I am unaware of other projects implementing this format, but I'd like
> their opinion on this proposal as well.

I am working on a ucmm2 version, if that name is allowed, and would like 
to switch to that this year. The plan was discussed earlier on this list.

> [1]: http://www.json.org/
> [2]: http://paste.opensuse.org/76227793

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management 
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org

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