[Openicc] printer, driver, IPP, Gutenprint calibration data
Jan-Peter Homann
homann at colormanagement.de
Wed Jan 25 09:08:05 PST 2012
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Hello to all,
From my perspective, the task could be solved, whit:
1) Gutenprint calibration data is embedded as metadata into the printer
2) The Gutenprint printer profile comes also with IPP specific
selectors for e.g.
- general mediatype (e. photopaper glossy)
- Name of media (mySpecialPhotopaper)
- resolution: 1440 DpI
3) Profiles have to be installed Serverside, before the print job is
4) The installed printing media (including mySpecialPhotopaper) is
available in the GUI for the printing client
5) The user selects "mySpecialPhotopaper" and 1440 DpI resolution
6) The printer profile is activated through the IPP selectors serverside
7) Gutenprint extracts the calibration setting from the metadata of the
ICC printer profile.
Best regards
Am 25.01.12 17:10, schrieb Michael Sweet:
> On Jan 25, 2012, at 2:19 AM, Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
>> ...
>> As it was not clear in the past how to place Gutenprint calibration data passed along PPD files, I am much interessted how does the situation change for that through IPP.
>> How do you plan to populate your calibration data along Gutenprint vendor ICC profiles in a IPP world? Do you plan to make use of the IPP "printer-icc-profiles" attribute and the associated job ticket attributes?
> Gutenprint "calibration" data isn't something that can be passed as options presently; at the IPP level we can support sending arbitrarily-long lists of numbers (as might be used for a lookup table) as an attribute which the driver will see as a comma-delimited string on the command-line, however that seems like a poor solution in the long term since it requires the application or toolkit to furnish that data each time.
> (Gutenprint *does* have a real 16-bit per color DeviceN path, and if that path was supported by Ghostscript then that would likely be a viable option for an ICC-based workflow...)
> __________________________________________________
> Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer, PWG Chair
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