[Openicc] Actually getting color managed printing to work

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Sat Jan 28 08:45:15 PST 2012

Am 28.01.12, 01:53 +0100 schrieb edmund ronald:
> Because of this reproducibility of behavior constraint, it makes sense to
> dump XML from the printing routine rather than outside it.

The driver knows best what is calibration stuff and what not. Even PPDs 
have limits, as we discuss now quite some time here.

A form that is eighter separated into key/value pairs or,
   (if that is not possible,)
a form which can easily be hashed is prefered
   for later lookup in a driver agnostic way.

A static written XML, e.g. including no date or host name, would match the 
second form. From my wish list, the driver shall be able to write 
identical XML from two different hosts for the same calibration.

kind regards

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