[Openicc] Ghostscript PDF/X-3
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
ku.b at gmx.de
Mon Mar 19 07:50:22 PDT 2012
The new -dUsePDFX3Profile Ghostscript option [1] implies to pick a
OutputIntent profile as destination profile only in case that option is
specified. However for the last two sentences of the -dUsePDFX3Profile
description in Use.html, I was not quite sure to had translated properly
to my thinking language ;-)
Regardless the rules for Device colour spaces, I would like to understand
if the -dUsePDFX3Profile option alone will already override any fallback
-sOutputICCProfile option? So Ghostscript will take over the PDF expert
responsibility to meet the PDF/X-3 standard, which would be greatly
Between the behaviour, to use the OutputIntent as a proofing profile in
case it's colour space does not match the intented output device colour
space, is a interesting feature for on screen displaying.
kind regards
[1] http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=ghostpdl.git;a=blob_plain;f=gs/doc/Use.htm;h=3bd2519161e8271aaa630edfd19b1e033c350c48;hb=82d1d263a13ccfe64e78cd0e6f1cf1a275adcb9c
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