[Openicc] Extra metadata keys for review

Guy K. Kloss guy.kloss at aut.ac.nz
Mon May 7 01:38:46 PDT 2012


On 06/05/12 23:57, Richard Hughes wrote:
> Not naive at all, I'm just focussing on display profiles *first* :)

cheers for confirming that. That's the answer that I've *expected* as
well as I've hoped for (with regards to the other colour management
purposes). So, I suppose that there will be over time extensions to that
meta-data catalogue to accommodate the needs for the non-screen-output


Guy K. Kloss
School of Computing + Mathematical Sciences
Auckland University of Technology
Private Bag 92006, Auckland 1142
phone: +64 9 921 9999 ext. 5032
eMail: Guy.Kloss at aut.ac.nz

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