[Openicc] Gutenprint team requests CM-off for a print queue be provided as a maintained engineering facility.

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Thu May 10 06:39:53 PDT 2012

Am 10.05.12, 09:11 -0400 schrieb Robert Krawitz:
> On Thu, 10 May 2012 13:49:50 +0100, Richard Hughes wrote:
>> On 10 May 2012 13:34, Graeme Gill <graeme at argyllcms.com> wrote:
>>> Without the ability to print targets though, the whole print
>>> chain is worthless since there's no way of color profiling it.

The PDF OutputIntent + DeviceXXX should provide a robust way to pass 
through application colour numbers, be that targets or early bound colour

> And as noted, if this option is in the PPD file, GTK can do nothing
> about it unless it wants to special case it (or just not provide options
> that it doesn't explicitly know about, which would be problematic in
> other ways).  In the abstract, I don't favor this (it means that whether
> the option is available or not depends upon who wrote the PPD file), but
> if it's the only way to accomplish it, I'll live with it.  It's not like

It is not the only way. It is a additional way for experts. As such, 
please do not put CM-off switches into a PPD by default. It will 
bite the majority of non expert users. Better we provide a tutorial on,
how experts can hand prepare a PPD for printing with CM-off.

kind regards

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