[Openicc] colord 0.1.21 released!

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Tue May 22 04:47:35 PDT 2012

colord is a system activated daemon that maps devices to color profiles.

Version 0.1.21
Released: 2012-05-22

 - Do not add sensors that are ignored or have no caps (Richard Hughes)
 - Do not install any parts of colord-sane if --disable-sane is
specified (Christoph Brill)
 - Do not use 'WantedBy=graphical.target' in the shipped systemd file
(Benedikt Morbach)
 - Fix autotools when configuring without systemd (Benedikt Morbach)
 - Fix InstallSystemWide() by not writing a private file (Richard Hughes)
 - Fix srcdir != builddir with introspection enabled (Colin Walters)
 - Fix the description in the systemd service file (Benedikt Morbach)
 - Isolate gtk dependency to cd-convert (Yanko Kaneti)
 - Save the CCMX and ITx files to be compatible with argyllcms (Richard Hughes)
 - The ColorHug has a new VID and PID (Richard Hughes)

See http://www.freedesktop.org/software/colord/ for more details.

Tarballs can be found here:


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