[Openicc] ANNOUNCE OpenICC @ GSoC 2012 results

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Wed Sep 12 12:37:52 PDT 2012

We gladly announce, that OpenICC's participation was this year a
great success. All projects finished. Links to them can be 
found on the OpenICC Google Summer of Code 2012 web page [1].

Colour Management for Krita Printing
Joseph Simon worked on adaption and integration of his last years 
implementation for colour managed printing into Krita. The workflow is 
based on ICC profile injection through the PDF OutputIntent.

KWin Colour Correction
Casian Andrei's KWin changes for ICC style colour correction in the GPU 
are discussed upstream and his code to KolorManager code base wait just 
for approval. The concept follows the X Color Management and CompICC 
implementation. But the result is highly modular and thus very flexible.

Simple Toolkit Abstraction
Nitin Chadas SimpleUI project for XML forms rendering was written from 
ground up and provides now backends for FLTK, Gtk and Qt. It needs a bit
of polishing to become useable.

Thanks to Google for providing the colour management and graphics 
community again a great chance to code and learn the open source way.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
GSoC admin @ OpenICC.info

[1] http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/OpenIcc/GoogleSoC2012

PS: interessted in a similar project outside GSoC, then just get
     in contact with me

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