[Openicc] GSoC 2013 preparations

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Sat Mar 16 06:29:25 PDT 2013

On 16 March 2013 13:04, Richard Hughes <hughsient at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll follow up later with a list of additional tasks for other projects. Thanks.

Kai-Uwe, could you add these to the wiki please:

As usual, comments and suggestions welcome.


= Get the cairo color management code upstream =
Adrian Johnson did a lot of the work needed to make cairo color
managed. Finishing this work and getting the code upstream would allow
us to simplify a lot of applications that use cairo. See
http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~ajohnson/cairo/log/?h=color-space for the
branch. Adrian has also patched Inkscape to use the new features, and
that needs cleaning up and pushing upstream
Also see http://lists.cairographics.org/archives/cairo/2012-July/023353.html
and https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-developer-list/2012-August/msg00084.html
for more details.

== Expectations ==
The cairo and inskcape code is pushed upstream with any required
modifications. Ideally someone familiar with the cairo community would
take this on, as Adrian found it hard to get the code approved

== Skills ==
Understanding of basic color management, basic use of bzr and git,
proficient in C.

== Contact ==
Mentor: Richard Hughes


= Add a native i1display sensor for colord =
Adding native drivers for popular sensors means we can take color
readings without blocking and without screenscraping commands from
Argyllcms. I can loan the required hardware for testing and provide
specifications for the hardware to write a simple driver.

== Expectations ==
Add a private libi1disp library to colord and write a simple
asyncronous sensor driver with a test program. This will be very
similar to the libhuey sensor code that already exists in colord.

== Skills ==
Understanding of basic color management, basic use of git, proficient
in low level C.

== Contact ==
Mentor: Richard Hughes


= Write a self test framework for session display calibration =
At the moment colord uses a colord-session binary to present a session
D-Bus interface to calibration clients in KDE and GNOME. This allows
each desktop to fully theme the calibration experience and use the
native UI framework. At the moment, colord supports a dummy sensor
that simulates a perfect sRGB screen which responds in a predictable
way for calibration. Display gamma correction is not implemented which
limits the ability to use the dummy sensor to implement a self test

== Expectations ==
A 'make check' program which sets up the dummy sensor, and runs a
calibration in a test harness.

== Skills ==
Understanding of basic color management, basic use of git, proficient in C.

== Contact ==
Mentor: Richard Hughes

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