[Openicc] GSoC 2013 preparations

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Wed Mar 20 06:32:54 PDT 2013

Robert Krawitz wrote:
> Many daemons don't run as root, and in general, the fewer the better for
> security purposes (if something doesn't need superuser privs, it
> shouldn't have them; if there's one very specific capability it needs,
> give it that capability, but don't give it general file access
> privileges, which pretty much just opens everything up).

So that argues heavily against using a daemon. All sorts of other user
configurations (shells, GUI's apps. etc. etc.) work fine with
user local config files in ~.

It's not like color config is something that needs to
be system wide - it's local to the user and their applications,
and anything not local is set by an administrator.

Graeme Gill.

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