[Openicc] cups-filters

James Cloos cloos at jhcloos.com
Thu May 15 11:39:52 PDT 2014

>>>>> "TK" == Till Kamppeter <till.kamppeter at gmail.com> writes:

TK> How do I proceed with sGray, sRGB, and Adobe RGB?

Embed an icc profile and use ICCBased (scn, SCN, sh, Bl, Do).

(You could use CalRGB for AdobeRGB, using the latter's definition rather
than an embedded profile.  But it probably is better to use a profile to
to help ensure that anything reading the pdf recognizes the intent.)

You can get dfsg-free version of the latter two profiles from:


You may need to create an icc for sGray.  GS has one, but unlike their
sGray PostScript colorspace definition, their sgray icc is a simple
gamma 1.8 space.  The sgray profile in graphicsmagick does the same.

TK> Also 16 bit color depth with Black and RGB gives broken output.

Might there be an endian issue?  PDF is big-endian.  The raster file's
endianness is specified by its 1st 32 bits, 't','S','a','R' for little-
or 'R','a','S','t' for big-endian.  (The pwg raster spec seems to have
lost mention of that; the cups raster spec retains that detail.)

James Cloos <cloos at jhcloos.com>         OpenPGP: 0x997A9F17ED7DAEA6

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