[packagekit] Yum backend package removing

Ken VanDine ken at vandine.org
Mon Oct 1 17:46:40 PDT 2007

It should just raise an error that there are deps, and hopefully
display a list of those things that depend on it.  I don't see a need
for PackageKit to remove those deps to, if you need to do that sort of
thing the command line should be ok.  It is just one of those things
that will complicate the UI.


On 10/1/07, Richard Hughes <hughsient at gmail.com> wrote:
> I just tried to remove nautilus using pk-application. As RemovePackage
> is called with force=FALSE it should fail if other packages have to be
> removed as they depends on the package.
> What I expected is an error "Could not remove nautilus as evice depends
> on this package", not a lot of packages being removed from my system.
> If a user really want to nuke a package (and programs requiring it), a
> user can manually remove the deps or just force it on the command line.
> In the future there will be a warning in the UI that removing over
> programs is needed (before the error).
> The rationale for the force=false flag is that a simple method should
> not nuke the system, i.e. removing glibc.
> Can a yum/python dude sort this please? Thanks guys.
> Richard.
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Ken VanDine

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