[packagekit] Yum backend package removing

Tim Lauridsen tla at rasmil.dk
Tue Oct 2 04:50:10 PDT 2007

Richard Hughes wrote:
> I just tried to remove nautilus using pk-application. As RemovePackage
> is called with force=FALSE it should fail if other packages have to be
> removed as they depends on the package.
> What I expected is an error "Could not remove nautilus as evice depends
> on this package", not a lot of packages being removed from my system.
> If a user really want to nuke a package (and programs requiring it), a
> user can manually remove the deps or just force it on the command line.
> In the future there will be a warning in the UI that removing over
> programs is needed (before the error).
> The rationale for the force=false flag is that a simple method should
> not nuke the system, i.e. removing glibc.
> Can a yum/python dude sort this please? Thanks guys.
fixed, will only remove deps if allowdeps=yes


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