[packagekit] Status of x86_64 support?

Matej Cepl mcepl at redhat.com
Fri Oct 26 08:31:02 PDT 2007

Trying 0.1.1 on Fedora/Rawhide x86_64 and it is strange. It 
actually looks like doing nothing Trying 0.1.1 on Fedora/Rawhide 
x86_64 and it is strange. It actually looks like doing nothing.  
This is the output of trying to get updates (should it show what 
packages will be eventually updated?):

[matej at hubmaier ~]$ strace -f -o pkcon-get-updates.txt pkcon -v 
get updates
[pk_debug_init] pk-debug.c:140 (17:21:58):       Verbose 
debugging enabled
[pk_client_allocate_transaction_id] pk-client.c:903 (17:21:58):  
Got tid: '4;acbbdbce;data'
[pk_client_get_updates] pk-client.c:938 (17:21:58):      ERROR: 
g-exec-error-quark: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by 
message bus)
*** WARNING ***
[pk_client_get_updates] pk-client.c:943 (17:21:58):      
GetUpdates failed!
[matej at hubmaier ~]$

Ouptut of the strace is on 
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/tmp/pkcon-get-updates.txt (and I am 
quite sure that SELinux is in the permissive mode).

Is it just immaturity of PK which doesn't work on x86_64 or there 
is something screwed up with my build or I am doing something 



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