[packagekit] yum: detecting file conflicts and using a custom error

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Mon Apr 14 11:15:32 PDT 2008

On Mon, 2008-04-14 at 11:42 -0400, Robin Norwood wrote:
> I agree that this should be done, but the lower in the stack the
> better.  Ideally, yum (or better, rpm) would be fixed to give better
> errors...however, the problem here is that instead of getting one
> specific exception, yum can get multiple errors per transaction from
> RPM.

Are we interested in anything but the first?

> This doesn't fit well with the exception model.  If you must have
> a specific exception, the best we could do with the current system is
> pick the first and throw away the rest, which might not be the most
> severe.

Sure, but it's stopping the transaction from running. Fix that, re-run
the transaction then find the next problem (if it still exists).

> Another alternative is if PK started allowing multiple
> ErrorCodes per transaction

Nope, it will throw up lots of pretty "developer don't do that" type
warnings if you try to do that :-)


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