[packagekit] Ignoring updates

Robin Norwood rnorwood at redhat.com
Tue Apr 15 06:17:08 PDT 2008

On Tue, 15 Apr 2008 01:03:09 +0100
Richard Hughes <hughsient at gmail.com> wrote:

> If we "ignore" an update in gpk-update-viewer - i.e. "I know this
> package isn't updated, but keep it this way", do we want to blacklist
> a specific package_id or a package name?
> For instance, If I "ignore" hal-0.5.9-1 and hal-0.5.10-1 gets added to
> the repo, should it still be considered ignored?

Implementing this gets tricky really fast.  If I ignore hal
updates, but something pulls in a hal update as a dep...?

This will be hard for the backends to get right, unless they
already support blacklists.  Yum has the exclude option, though, which
should make it fairly easy for the yum backend.  We'd need to decide if
we want this to apply to the global yum configuration (editing yum.conf)
or just apply it for PK transactions.  We already edit the repo config
globally, so for consistency's sake we should probably do the same
here, but not trample on the existing blacklist config when doing so.

If we do want to take a whack at implementing it, I'd say give two

o Do not update to hal-0.5.9-1
o Do not update hal to any future version

Then we need an editable list of 'Ignored updates', and notifications

"Update to foobar-1.5.3 was not applied because it requires
hal-0.5.9-1, and policy prevents us from performing this update."


Robin Norwood
Red Hat, Inc.

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