[packagekit] packagekit-qt : coverage now complete

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 01:39:59 PDT 2008

On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 01:32 +0200, Adrien BUSTANY wrote:
> Hi folks,
> packagekit-qt now covers 99.9% of the 0.2 API.

Well done guys! Seriously good work.

> Daniel is now working on 
> the ui (I'll help him a bit), and considering is motivation and the 
> screenshots we've already got, I think that the KDE4 ui will be nice. Of 
> course, there'll be things to discuss, as for the gpk-application UI, 
> but we should get something functionnal soon enough.
> For those wondering what is the 0.01% left : it's one function in 
> Transaction : GetLastPackage. Thanks to who can explain me the purpose 
> of this function (does it return a package_id ?).

It's a bodge, and I'll explain why: The API is async.

<wait a bit>
<wait a bit [1]>
<wait a bit>

Now imagine that you want to find out the status of what the transaction
is doing at [1] - you can call GetLastPackage() and it will return a
single package_id of (installed,gnome-power-manager,foo) -- which lets
us show something nice in the UI. It's really as trivial as that.

> The git repo is *not* the one on freedesktop.org : that one is not 
> working, totally outdated, and should be removed as soon as possible. If 
> you want to look at the code, clone 
> git+ssh://username@git.packagekit.org/srv/git/QPackageKit

I've synced this, but if I were you, I would ask for an upstream project
(rather than my people page) from freedesktop.org and this means you can
ll have an upstream that you can all push to. Yell if you want me to set
this up.


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