[packagekit] Proxy

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Tue Mar 25 01:28:30 PDT 2008

On Mon, 2008-03-24 at 20:22 -0700, mirttex85-pk at yahoo.com.br wrote:
> Sorry if this was already discussed, but it is not implemented. At
> least not on the the backends capabilities.

No, it's never been discussed. At the moment it's left to the individual
backends to work this out themselves, but it might be sane to get this
information from PackageKit.

For the dbus backends it's trivial as we can do a method on the service
object and get data. For the threaded backends it's even easier. For the
spawned backends we would need some sort of shell helper to get to the
data, but I think this is okay.

Now, is the proxy setting per-user or per-system? I would argue
per-user, as each user might have a different config, but I'm welcome
for debate.

Doing it per-user, also means we don't have to add extra configuration
as we can use the gnome-desktop settings if we are in GNOME and the KDE
ones if we are in KDE.

I guess allowing a system override in the config file might also be a
sensible thing to do.

So, sanity or insanity? Comments please.


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