[packagekit] Reviewing use of internal-error

Elliot Peele elliot at bentlogic.net
Tue Mar 25 10:03:28 PDT 2008

On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 10:45:47AM -0400, Robin Norwood wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Mar 2008 08:22:19 +0000
> Richard Hughes <hughsient at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Robin, could you please add these also? If you are busy, yell, and
> > I'll do them tomorrow.
> Sure, but I need someone (Eliot?) to explain what the errors mean so I can include that info in the docs.  Here's my best guesses:

The first few are correct.

> * UpdateError - The package(s) could not be updated
> * RepositoryError - A repository could not be accessed
> * DowngradeError - The package(s) could not be downgraded
> * UpdatePinnedTroveError - No idea what this error means

A pinned trove is a package that has been set to never be removed by a
system update. We use this to handle kernels, so that they don't get
removed durning an update, but any package can be pinned.

This error is raised when an update fails because Conary is attempting
to update a pinned package and the old pinned package conflicts in some
way with the new version of that package.

> * DependencyFailure - A dependency could not be resolved (?)

This is a generic dependency error. This error is just a super class of
the following three errors.

> * DepResolutionFailure - Not sure how this is different from the one above

This is a subclass of DependencyFailure which means that Conary managed
to complete the dependency resolution process, but could not find
pacakges to resolve the needed dependencies.

> * EraseDepFailure - Not sure how this is different from the two above

This is a subclass of DependencyFailure as well, which means that
erasing a this package will break dependencies on your machine.

> * NeededTrovesFailure - No idea what this error means

This is also a subclass of DependencyFailure, which means that Conary
could filed the packages that were need for dependency resolution, but
Conary is not configured to automatically install them.

> * InstallPathConflicts - No idea what this error means

This error is raised when files in a package that is being updated or
installed conflict with files already installed on the system.


Elliot Peele
elliot at bentlogic.net

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