[packagekit] Setting the proxy

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 05:51:00 PDT 2009

2009/7/17 Daniel Nicoletti <dantti85-pk at yahoo.com.br>:
> Hmmm I have thought about that some time ago,
> and what I did (and actually the current KPackageKIT code is like):
> setProxy(http, ftp)
> do the task, like install, refresh.. update

I think you only need to set the proxy once now (at the start of the
session), but doing again and again like you are doing won't actually
break anything.

> so always right before the task I set the proxy, the disadvantages
> happens when concurrent use of packagekitd which might end up
> with the other user proxy.

Right, and the new code in packagekitd should prevent that from happening.

> I think this is the same case of setLocale()

I think it's slightly different to the locale, in that a user may have
different applications open in different locales, on the same session.
I do agree it's very similar tho, and if we were to add SetLocale now,
we would probably do it the same was as the proxy data.

> In the end it might be a good idea to track sessions
> on packagekitd so Locale, proxy and maybe others to
> come don't get lost.

Right, making this more generic could certainly be done, but I don't
think we need to until we find another user, so to speak.

> Ah another thing that I remembered was:
> What if the user change it's proxy?

In the gnome case, we watch the GConf key for changes, and re-issue
the SetProxy method, which alters the packagekitd saved proxy for that

Great that you're facing the same issues with the proxy stuff as we
did in the GNOME tools.


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