[packagekit] Zif 0.1.3 released!

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Mon Dec 13 01:51:07 PST 2010

Zif is a simple yum-compatible library that only provides read-write
access to the rpm database and the Fedora metadata for PackageKit.

Tarballs available here: http://www.packagekit.org/releases/

Version 0.1.3
Released: 2010-12-13

 - Lots of new API in this release, and a few methods have been
removed or renamed. Please use the gtk-doc documentation when
 - Zif has gained the ability to install, update and remove packages.
 - Zif has initial support for upgrading the distribution, but this is
not fully complete, and should not be used yet as it's not tested.
 - Zif is now a translatable project, with a updated and improved
'zif' command line tool.

 - Updated Czech translation (fri)

New Features:
 - Add 7 methods to ZifDownload to support location based mirrors
(Richard Hughes)
 - Add a bash completion script (Richard Hughes)
 - Add a command 'manifest-check' to be able to verify a manifest file
(Richard Hughes)
 - Add a command 'manifest-dump' to be able to create a file
representing system state (Richard Hughes)
 - Add a command 'zif get-config-value' to be able to query things
like basearch and archinfo (Richard Hughes)
 - Add a 'committing' action to ZifState (Richard Hughes)
 - Add a dependency 'any' hash table to reduce the number of calls to
zif_depend_satisfies() (Richard Hughes)
 - Add a new command 'update-details' to get the update metadata
(Richard Hughes)
 - Add an UpgradeKind parameter to zif_release_upgrade_version()
(Richard Hughes)
 - Add a --profile switch to the zif command line tool to be able to
get profiling information (Richard Hughes)
 - Add a simple document explaining how to switch PackageKit to using
Zif (Richard Hughes)
 - Add a simple 'shell' command that can profile individual actions
(Richard Hughes)
 - Add a ZIF_CHECK_VERSION macro (Richard Hughes)
 - Add conflicts support to Zif (Richard Hughes)
 - Add conflict support into Zif (Richard Hughes)
 - Add initial GPGME support for checking signatures of repodata.
(Richard Hughes)
 - Add 'install', 'remove' and 'update' commands into the zif command
line tool (Richard Hughes)
 - Add 'kind' and 'filename' properties to ZifMd (Richard Hughes)
 - Add lots of translations to the command line tool (Richard Hughes)
 - Add obsoletes support into the ZifTransaction processing (Richard Hughes)
 - Add obsoletes support to Zif (Richard Hughes)
 - Add pk_progress_bar_set_on_console (Richard Hughes)
 - Add progress reporting to ZifTransaction::Commit (Richard Hughes)
 - Add support for stage2 when doing an OS upgrade (Richard Hughes)
 - Add the upgrade and get-upgrades commands to the zif command line
tool (Richard Hughes)
 - Add the ZifUpgrade object to represent a distribution upgrade
(Richard Hughes)
 - Add YumDB read and write functionality (Richard Hughes)
 - Add 'zif check' command to resolve the entire rpmdb (Richard Hughes)
 - Add 'zif db-list <packagename>' to print values in the yumdb (Richard Hughes)
 - Add zif_depend_get_description() which returns a cached string
describing the ZifDepend object (Richard Hughes)
 - Add zif_depend_parse_description() to be able to parse a ZifDepend
from a string (Richard Hughes)
 - Add zif_depend_satisfies() which is a more robust way to compare
dependencies (Richard Hughes)
 - Add zif_download_location_clear() to clear the list of active
mirrors (Richard Hughes)
 - Add zif_download_location_get_size() so we can get the size of the
location array (Richard Hughes)
 - Add ZifManifest to test the results of the ZifTransaction resolve
(Richard Hughes)
 - Add zif_package_array_get_oldest() (Richard Hughes)
 - Add zif_package_get_printable() to be able to get more readable
package names (Richard Hughes)
 - Add zif_package_id_to_nevra() so we can properly implement
find_packages() (Richard Hughes)
 - Add zif_package_meta_set_from_data() so we can add data at at later
time (Richard Hughes)
 - Add ZifPackageMeta which is a metapackage we can use when testing
the depsolving code (Richard Hughes)
 - Add zif_release_set_repo_dir() to be able to set the repo directory
when upgrading (Richard Hughes)
 - Add ZifRelease which provides the ability to parse releases.txt
(Richard Hughes)
 - Add zif_state_set_report_progress() to reduce the ZifState
operations to a NO-OP when depsolving (Richard Hughes)
 - Add zif_state_set_steps() to be able to set a non-linear expected
duration for a ZifState (Richard Hughes)
 - Add ZifStoreMeta, an in-memory package store (Richard Hughes)
 - Add zif_store_meta_set_is_local() so the store id is different for
remote and local stores (Richard Hughes)
 - Add zif_store_remote_set_id() so we can setup virtual remote stores
(Richard Hughes)
 - Add zif_transaction_clear() so we can re-use the transaction object
(Richard Hughes)
 - Add zif_transaction_get_reason() so we can get the reasons for each
install or removal (Richard Hughes)
 - Add ZifTransaction to manage an rpm transaction (Richard Hughes)
 - Alias some of the zif commands to the yum CLI commands (Richard Hughes)
 - Allow a conflict to update another package, rather than failing the
depsolve (Richard Hughes)
 - Always do a test transaction before committing the transaction to
disk (Richard Hughes)
 - Automatically add vendor update info if the update source is
'updates at fedoraproject.org' (Richard Hughes)
 - Check packages for public key signatures at prepare time, and mark
them untrusted if they do not verify (Richard Hughes)
 - Convert ZifDepend to a proper GObject as GLib is a lot quicker to
instantiate objects now (Richard Hughes)
 - Get the installed repository name from yumdb when loading packages
from the rpmdb (Richard Hughes)
 - Implement zif_transaction_commit(), and provide the ability to
write a transaction to the system rpmdb (Richard Hughes)
 - Make ZifDownload get proxy settings from ZifConfig (Richard Hughes)
 - Make ZifRelease download the kernel and initrd when asked to do an
OS upgrade (Richard Hughes)
 - Move the config defaults to a new file, /etc/zif.conf which
inherits values from /etc/yum.conf (Richard Hughes)
 - Move the package update detail to ZifPackageRemote so we can add
zif_package_remote_is_downloaded() (Richard Hughes)
 - Move the pkgid state from ZifPackageRemote to ZifPackage as a local
package can have a pkgid too (Richard Hughes)
 - Move the zif release information into zif.conf, rather than
hardcoding it (Richard Hughes)
 - Support the config file items 'installonly_limit' and
'installonlypkgs' (Richard Hughes)
 - Support yum style proxies as well as PackageKit style proxies
(Richard Hughes)
 - Teach zif_download_file() how to download local files (Richard Hughes)
 - Treat permission denied as a special error code in ZifDownload
(Richard Hughes)
 - Try to anti-mangle the email address in the changeset (Richard Hughes)
 - Try to re-download packages using the 'retries' parameter from the
config file (Richard Hughes)
 - When running in 'background' mode, throttle the depsolve to use
only idle CPU (Richard Hughes)
 - Write a kickstart file when performing a distribution upgrade
(Richard Hughes)
 - Write to the yumdb when we install or erase packages (Richard Hughes)
 - Write to yum.log when we add and remove packages (Richard Hughes)

 - Avoid a critical warning in zif_config_expand_substitutions() if we
never loaded the file (Richard Hughes)
 - Create the boot path if it does not exist when upgrading (Richard Hughes)
 - Delete any cached packages when doing ZifStore::clean on a
ZifStoreRemote (Richard Hughes)
 - Do not abort with a critical warning if we try to add a gpg-pubkey
package to the package array (Richard Hughes)
 - Do not do a critical warning when ctrl-c is used when waiting for
the lock (Richard Hughes)
 - Do not fail the transaction resolve if there is nothing to update
or remove (Richard Hughes)
 - Do not overflow when downloading huge files (Richard Hughes)
 - Enable localization of the command line tool (Richard Hughes)
 - Ensure the package_id is valid when using zif_store_find_package()
(Richard Hughes)
 - Fix a depsolve problem where the need and want was inverted, which
made some provides fail (Richard Hughes)
 - Fix a number of issues that made 'zif update-info' show incorrect
results (Richard Hughes)
 - Fix cancelling the ZifDownload instance (Richard Hughes)
 - If a provide was not found, also include the package that required
it (Richard Hughes)
 - Improve a truckload of gtk-doc comments (Richard Hughes)
 - Improve the quality of the translated strings (Richard Hughes)
 - Localize the transaction action output on the command line (Richard Hughes)
 - Lower the ZifState global share check, as we cannot count on the
number of steps being linear (Richard Hughes)
 - Make zif_package_local_new() and zif_package_remote_new() return a
base class type, not a derived type (Richard Hughes)
 - Match the pkgKey in the SQL query, not the code (Richard Hughes)
 - Only add the changeset data to the update once to achieve a nice
speed boost for 'zif update-detail' (Richard Hughes)
 - Only calculate the conflicts data when the install, remove and
updates resolve phases have completed (Richard Hughes)
 - Only make the upgrade kernel default once (Richard Hughes)
 - Remove get-updates from the public API (Richard Hughes)
 - Remove zif_md_set_mdtype() as the kind should only be set at object
construction time (Richard Hughes)
 - Rename ZifMdType to ZifMdKind to avoid name conflicts (Richard Hughes)
 - Return the command line of the locking process in the error message
(Richard Hughes)
 - Rewrite the command line test tool so it works reliably (Richard Hughes)
 - Send an array of depends to the 'WhatFoo' methods to speed up
getting the updates (Richard Hughes)
 - Store the ZifDepend string info as a refcounted string (Richard Hughes)
 - Use localized reasons when showing what the transaction is going to
do in the CLI (Richard Hughes)
 - Use proper backtracking when using --skip-broken (Richard Hughes)
 - When chaining up ZifState, ensure child percentage are interpolated
(Richard Hughes)
 - When searching for a remote provide, also search the packages array
as packages provide themselves (Richard Hughes)
 - When using --skip-broken and an update fails, unwind any items
added to the install and remove queues (Richard Hughes)
 - Work around a compiler bug that was causing refreshed metadata
downloads to randomly fail (Richard Hughes)


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