[packagekit] Backend PPL Installing untrusted packages

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Wed May 25 09:21:05 PDT 2011

On 25 May 2011 17:17, Daniel Nicoletti <dantti85-pk at yahoo.com.br> wrote:
> As nobody replied to my proposal a week ago here
> is the patch to the docs and enums.

Patch looks good, except you spell the opposite of former: "latter"
not "later" :-)

It's also a good idea to start each sentence in the spec on a new line, e.g.

-            installed, removed, reinstalled or updated.
+            installed, removed, updated, reinstalled, downgraded,
obsoleted or untrusted. The later is used
+            to present the user untrusted packages that are about to
be installed.
+          </doc:para>


-            installed, removed, reinstalled or updated.
+            installed, removed, updated, reinstalled, downgraded,
obsoleted or untrusted.
+            The later is used to present the user untrusted packages
that are about to be installed.
+          </doc:para>

Please commit with these changes. Thanks.


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