[packagekit] Questions on simple packagekit usage with python3

Gabriele Musco emaildigabry at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 11:25:52 UTC 2017

Hello people. I'm developing a simple application for installing GPU
drivers on any linux distro (a sort of successor to jockey if anyone of you
remembers it).

I'm writing this application in python3 and gtk+3, and I wanted to use
packagekit for installing the necessary packages and make this application
as distro agnostic as possible.

I think I'm  doing something wrong, since the documentation I can find is
scattered and kinda lacking many details, that's why I'm asking here. All I
have to do really is install a bunch of packages I already know the names

I am playing around with the python gobject library right now on my arch
laptop, but I can't quite figure out how the
pacakgekit.Client.install_packages() method works. I have to pass a
"transaction bitfield" as the first argument, but I can't find any doc on
what a transaction bitfield is and how I can choose one for my needs (I put
"False" there for now and seems to be working for some reason).

And about the package_ids array I have to pass, something rather weird
happens: I try installing simple packages like 'sl' and 'xterm', but if I
don't specify the repository like this 'xterm;;;extra' rather than just
writing 'xterm;;;', the package can't be found.

Is there a way I can just tell packagekit "search all the repos and use the
first (and most likely only) match"?

Thank you
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