[Piglit] [PATCH 1/7] Add threadpool.py
U. Artie Eoff
ullysses.a.eoff at intel.com
Mon Feb 7 12:04:15 PST 2011
Add threadpool.py to support future concurrency support.
framework/threadpool.py | 418 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 418 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 framework/threadpool.py
diff --git a/framework/threadpool.py b/framework/threadpool.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b4c12c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/threadpool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+"""Easy to use object-oriented thread pool framework.
+A thread pool is an object that maintains a pool of worker threads to perform
+time consuming operations in parallel. It assigns jobs to the threads
+by putting them in a work request queue, where they are picked up by the
+next available thread. This then performs the requested operation in the
+background and puts the results in another queue.
+The thread pool object can then collect the results from all threads from
+this queue as soon as they become available or after all threads have
+finished their work. It's also possible, to define callbacks to handle
+each result as it comes in.
+The basic concept and some code was taken from the book "Python in a Nutshell,
+2nd edition" by Alex Martelli, O'Reilly 2006, ISBN 0-596-10046-9, from section
+14.5 "Threaded Program Architecture". I wrapped the main program logic in the
+ThreadPool class, added the WorkRequest class and the callback system and
+tweaked the code here and there. Kudos also to Florent Aide for the exception
+handling mechanism.
+Basic usage::
+ >>> pool = ThreadPool(poolsize)
+ >>> requests = makeRequests(some_callable, list_of_args, callback)
+ >>> [pool.putRequest(req) for req in requests]
+ >>> pool.wait()
+See the end of the module code for a brief, annotated usage example.
+Website : http://chrisarndt.de/projects/threadpool/
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+__all__ = [
+ 'makeRequests',
+ 'NoResultsPending',
+ 'NoWorkersAvailable',
+ 'ThreadPool',
+ 'WorkRequest',
+ 'WorkerThread'
+__author__ = "Christopher Arndt"
+__version__ = '1.2.7'
+__revision__ = "$Revision: 416 $"
+__date__ = "$Date: 2009-10-07 05:41:27 +0200 (Wed, 07 Oct 2009) $"
+__license__ = "MIT license"
+# standard library modules
+import sys
+import threading
+import Queue
+import traceback
+# exceptions
+class NoResultsPending(Exception):
+ """All work requests have been processed."""
+ pass
+class NoWorkersAvailable(Exception):
+ """No worker threads available to process remaining requests."""
+ pass
+# internal module helper functions
+def _handle_thread_exception(request, exc_info):
+ """Default exception handler callback function.
+ This just prints the exception info via ``traceback.print_exception``.
+ """
+ traceback.print_exception(*exc_info)
+# utility functions
+def makeRequests(callable_, args_list, callback=None,
+ exc_callback=_handle_thread_exception):
+ """Create several work requests for same callable with different arguments.
+ Convenience function for creating several work requests for the same
+ callable where each invocation of the callable receives different values
+ for its arguments.
+ ``args_list`` contains the parameters for each invocation of callable.
+ Each item in ``args_list`` should be either a 2-item tuple of the list of
+ positional arguments and a dictionary of keyword arguments or a single,
+ non-tuple argument.
+ See docstring for ``WorkRequest`` for info on ``callback`` and
+ ``exc_callback``.
+ """
+ requests = []
+ for item in args_list:
+ if isinstance(item, tuple):
+ requests.append(
+ WorkRequest(callable_, item[0], item[1], callback=callback,
+ exc_callback=exc_callback)
+ )
+ else:
+ requests.append(
+ WorkRequest(callable_, [item], None, callback=callback,
+ exc_callback=exc_callback)
+ )
+ return requests
+# classes
+class WorkerThread(threading.Thread):
+ """Background thread connected to the requests/results queues.
+ A worker thread sits in the background and picks up work requests from
+ one queue and puts the results in another until it is dismissed.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, requests_queue, results_queue, poll_timeout=5, **kwds):
+ """Set up thread in daemonic mode and start it immediatedly.
+ ``requests_queue`` and ``results_queue`` are instances of
+ ``Queue.Queue`` passed by the ``ThreadPool`` class when it creates a new
+ worker thread.
+ """
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self, **kwds)
+ self.setDaemon(1)
+ self._requests_queue = requests_queue
+ self._results_queue = results_queue
+ self._poll_timeout = poll_timeout
+ self._dismissed = threading.Event()
+ self.start()
+ def run(self):
+ """Repeatedly process the job queue until told to exit."""
+ while True:
+ if self._dismissed.isSet():
+ # we are dismissed, break out of loop
+ break
+ # get next work request. If we don't get a new request from the
+ # queue after self._poll_timout seconds, we jump to the start of
+ # the while loop again, to give the thread a chance to exit.
+ try:
+ request = self._requests_queue.get(True, self._poll_timeout)
+ except Queue.Empty:
+ continue
+ else:
+ if self._dismissed.isSet():
+ # we are dismissed, put back request in queue and exit loop
+ self._requests_queue.put(request)
+ break
+ try:
+ result = request.callable(*request.args, **request.kwds)
+ self._results_queue.put((request, result))
+ except:
+ request.exception = True
+ self._results_queue.put((request, sys.exc_info()))
+ def dismiss(self):
+ """Sets a flag to tell the thread to exit when done with current job."""
+ self._dismissed.set()
+class WorkRequest:
+ """A request to execute a callable for putting in the request queue later.
+ See the module function ``makeRequests`` for the common case
+ where you want to build several ``WorkRequest`` objects for the same
+ callable but with different arguments for each call.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, callable_, args=None, kwds=None, requestID=None,
+ callback=None, exc_callback=_handle_thread_exception):
+ """Create a work request for a callable and attach callbacks.
+ A work request consists of the a callable to be executed by a
+ worker thread, a list of positional arguments, a dictionary
+ of keyword arguments.
+ A ``callback`` function can be specified, that is called when the
+ results of the request are picked up from the result queue. It must
+ accept two anonymous arguments, the ``WorkRequest`` object and the
+ results of the callable, in that order. If you want to pass additional
+ information to the callback, just stick it on the request object.
+ You can also give custom callback for when an exception occurs with
+ the ``exc_callback`` keyword parameter. It should also accept two
+ anonymous arguments, the ``WorkRequest`` and a tuple with the exception
+ details as returned by ``sys.exc_info()``. The default implementation
+ of this callback just prints the exception info via
+ ``traceback.print_exception``. If you want no exception handler
+ callback, just pass in ``None``.
+ ``requestID``, if given, must be hashable since it is used by
+ ``ThreadPool`` object to store the results of that work request in a
+ dictionary. It defaults to the return value of ``id(self)``.
+ """
+ if requestID is None:
+ self.requestID = id(self)
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.requestID = hash(requestID)
+ except TypeError:
+ raise TypeError("requestID must be hashable.")
+ self.exception = False
+ self.callback = callback
+ self.exc_callback = exc_callback
+ self.callable = callable_
+ self.args = args or []
+ self.kwds = kwds or {}
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "<WorkRequest id=%s args=%r kwargs=%r exception=%s>" % \
+ (self.requestID, self.args, self.kwds, self.exception)
+class ThreadPool:
+ """A thread pool, distributing work requests and collecting results.
+ See the module docstring for more information.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, num_workers, q_size=0, resq_size=0, poll_timeout=5):
+ """Set up the thread pool and start num_workers worker threads.
+ ``num_workers`` is the number of worker threads to start initially.
+ If ``q_size > 0`` the size of the work *request queue* is limited and
+ the thread pool blocks when the queue is full and it tries to put
+ more work requests in it (see ``putRequest`` method), unless you also
+ use a positive ``timeout`` value for ``putRequest``.
+ If ``resq_size > 0`` the size of the *results queue* is limited and the
+ worker threads will block when the queue is full and they try to put
+ new results in it.
+ .. warning:
+ If you set both ``q_size`` and ``resq_size`` to ``!= 0`` there is
+ the possibilty of a deadlock, when the results queue is not pulled
+ regularly and too many jobs are put in the work requests queue.
+ To prevent this, always set ``timeout > 0`` when calling
+ ``ThreadPool.putRequest()`` and catch ``Queue.Full`` exceptions.
+ """
+ self._requests_queue = Queue.Queue(q_size)
+ self._results_queue = Queue.Queue(resq_size)
+ self.workers = []
+ self.dismissedWorkers = []
+ self.workRequests = {}
+ self.createWorkers(num_workers, poll_timeout)
+ def createWorkers(self, num_workers, poll_timeout=5):
+ """Add num_workers worker threads to the pool.
+ ``poll_timout`` sets the interval in seconds (int or float) for how
+ ofte threads should check whether they are dismissed, while waiting for
+ requests.
+ """
+ for i in range(num_workers):
+ self.workers.append(WorkerThread(self._requests_queue,
+ self._results_queue, poll_timeout=poll_timeout))
+ def dismissWorkers(self, num_workers, do_join=False):
+ """Tell num_workers worker threads to quit after their current task."""
+ dismiss_list = []
+ for i in range(min(num_workers, len(self.workers))):
+ worker = self.workers.pop()
+ worker.dismiss()
+ dismiss_list.append(worker)
+ if do_join:
+ for worker in dismiss_list:
+ worker.join()
+ else:
+ self.dismissedWorkers.extend(dismiss_list)
+ def joinAllDismissedWorkers(self):
+ """Perform Thread.join() on all worker threads that have been dismissed.
+ """
+ for worker in self.dismissedWorkers:
+ worker.join()
+ self.dismissedWorkers = []
+ def putRequest(self, request, block=True, timeout=None):
+ """Put work request into work queue and save its id for later."""
+ assert isinstance(request, WorkRequest)
+ # don't reuse old work requests
+ assert not getattr(request, 'exception', None)
+ self._requests_queue.put(request, block, timeout)
+ self.workRequests[request.requestID] = request
+ def poll(self, block=False):
+ """Process any new results in the queue."""
+ while True:
+ # still results pending?
+ if not self.workRequests:
+ raise NoResultsPending
+ # are there still workers to process remaining requests?
+ elif block and not self.workers:
+ raise NoWorkersAvailable
+ try:
+ # get back next results
+ request, result = self._results_queue.get(block=block)
+ # has an exception occured?
+ if request.exception and request.exc_callback:
+ request.exc_callback(request, result)
+ # hand results to callback, if any
+ if request.callback and not \
+ (request.exception and request.exc_callback):
+ request.callback(request, result)
+ del self.workRequests[request.requestID]
+ except Queue.Empty:
+ break
+ def wait(self):
+ """Wait for results, blocking until all have arrived."""
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ self.poll(True)
+ except NoResultsPending:
+ break
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import random
+ import time
+ # the work the threads will have to do (rather trivial in our example)
+ def do_something(data):
+ time.sleep(random.randint(1,5))
+ result = round(random.random() * data, 5)
+ # just to show off, we throw an exception once in a while
+ if result > 5:
+ raise RuntimeError("Something extraordinary happened!")
+ return result
+ # this will be called each time a result is available
+ def print_result(request, result):
+ print "**** Result from request #%s: %r" % (request.requestID, result)
+ # this will be called when an exception occurs within a thread
+ # this example exception handler does little more than the default handler
+ def handle_exception(request, exc_info):
+ if not isinstance(exc_info, tuple):
+ # Something is seriously wrong...
+ print request
+ print exc_info
+ raise SystemExit
+ print "**** Exception occured in request #%s: %s" % \
+ (request.requestID, exc_info)
+ # assemble the arguments for each job to a list...
+ data = [random.randint(1,10) for i in range(20)]
+ # ... and build a WorkRequest object for each item in data
+ requests = makeRequests(do_something, data, print_result, handle_exception)
+ # to use the default exception handler, uncomment next line and comment out
+ # the preceding one.
+ #requests = makeRequests(do_something, data, print_result)
+ # or the other form of args_lists accepted by makeRequests: ((,), {})
+ data = [((random.randint(1,10),), {}) for i in range(20)]
+ requests.extend(
+ makeRequests(do_something, data, print_result, handle_exception)
+ #makeRequests(do_something, data, print_result)
+ # to use the default exception handler, uncomment next line and comment
+ # out the preceding one.
+ )
+ # we create a pool of 3 worker threads
+ print "Creating thread pool with 3 worker threads."
+ main = ThreadPool(3)
+ # then we put the work requests in the queue...
+ for req in requests:
+ main.putRequest(req)
+ print "Work request #%s added." % req.requestID
+ # or shorter:
+ # [main.putRequest(req) for req in requests]
+ # ...and wait for the results to arrive in the result queue
+ # by using ThreadPool.wait(). This would block until results for
+ # all work requests have arrived:
+ # main.wait()
+ # instead we can poll for results while doing something else:
+ i = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+ main.poll()
+ print "Main thread working...",
+ print "(active worker threads: %i)" % (threading.activeCount()-1, )
+ if i == 10:
+ print "**** Adding 3 more worker threads..."
+ main.createWorkers(3)
+ if i == 20:
+ print "**** Dismissing 2 worker threads..."
+ main.dismissWorkers(2)
+ i += 1
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print "**** Interrupted!"
+ break
+ except NoResultsPending:
+ print "**** No pending results."
+ break
+ if main.dismissedWorkers:
+ print "Joining all dismissed worker threads..."
+ main.joinAllDismissedWorkers()
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