[Piglit] The beginnings of a git-based website for piglit

Carl Worth cworth at cworth.org
Tue Feb 14 16:29:01 PST 2012

On Tue, 14 Feb 2012 15:46:52 -0800, Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org> wrote:
> Next steps:
>   1. Add content from this email to a README, (including adding the
>      sample hook file to the repository).

This is done now.

>   2. Think about what might go wrong if people push simultaneously to a
>      shared repository with the hook enabled. One option is to make
>      unique working directories for each user,

This is also done. The current hook does try to create the directory
next to the git repository, and common setups for shared repositories
might not support that (where a user can write to a repository, but may
not have permission to write to the directory containing repositories).

It would be a quick hack to change the hook to generate the checkout
directories within the repository itself. That's a little messy since
git owns that directory (with entries like branches, config,
description, HEAD, hooks, etc.). I think we can probably get away with
creating new directories there named along the lines of
piglit-www-checkout-$USER without confusing git.

>   3. Add support for publishing branches of the website, (so that users
>      can preview their changes on the real web server before changing
>      the live content).

This is done as well. So, for example pushing like so:

	git push origin master:preview

Will cause the new content to appear at:


And I think that should be right handy.

>   4. Create some actual content for the website.

This is the only part left. Anyone want to come play?

If we do decide this is the way we want to do a piglit website, we
should put a repository with an active hook into a canonical place.

Have fun,


carl.d.worth at intel.com
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