[Piglit] [PATCH] android: Experimental support for Android into Piglit python part

Juha-Pekka Heikkila juha-pekka.heikkila at linux.intel.com
Fri Nov 16 04:57:11 PST 2012

This patch modifies framework/exectest.py. If Piglit is run after
build/envsetup.sh is sourced from Android sdk and lunch is run Piglit
will attempt to send the tests to connected android device and
execute the tests on the device bringing the results back to host

The operation is achieved by using bash scripting, scripts will be
dropped from python into user's home folder for the duration
of executing the tests.

There will be left additional files on the android device at

Signed-off-by: Juha-Pekka Heikkila <juha-pekka.heikkila at linux.intel.com>
 framework/exectest.py |   97 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/framework/exectest.py b/framework/exectest.py
index fccea5c..fe8b43c 100644
--- a/framework/exectest.py
+++ b/framework/exectest.py
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 import os
+import platform
 import subprocess
 import shlex
 import types
@@ -68,6 +69,17 @@ class ExecTest(Test):
 			i = 0
 			while True:
+				if os.environ.has_key("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP") == True and platform.system() == 'Linux':
+					writepath = os.environ['HOME']
+					self.scriptfile = open(writepath + "/piglit_" +self.command_name+ "_android.sh", "w")
+					self.scriptfile.write(self.sh_script_remote)
+					self.scriptfile.close()
+					self.scriptfile = open(writepath + "/piglit_" +self.command_name+ "_host.sh", "w")
+					self.scriptfile.write(self.sh_script_host)
+					self.scriptfile.close()
 				if self.skip_test:
 					out = "PIGLIT: {'result': 'skip'}\n"
 					err = ""
@@ -76,6 +88,10 @@ class ExecTest(Test):
 					(out, err, returncode) = \
 						self.get_command_result(command, fullenv)
+				if os.environ.has_key("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP") == True and platform.system() == 'Linux':
+					os.remove(writepath + "/piglit_" +self.command_name+ "_host.sh")
+					os.remove(writepath + "/piglit_" +self.command_name+ "_android.sh")
 				# https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=680214 is
 				# affecting many developers.  If we catch it
 				# happening, try just re-running the test.
@@ -204,8 +220,85 @@ class ExecTest(Test):
 class PlainExecTest(ExecTest):
 	def __init__(self, command):
 		ExecTest.__init__(self, command)
-		# Prepend testBinDir to the path.
-		self.command[0] = testBinDir + self.command[0]
+		if os.environ.has_key("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP") == True and platform.system() == 'Linux':
+			writepath = os.environ['HOME']
+			self.command_name = command[0]
+			dashloc = command[0].find('-')
+			if dashloc != -1:
+				foldername = command[0][0:dashloc]
+			else:
+				foldername = command[0]
+			self.sh_script_remote = \
+				("#!/system/bin/sh\n" + \
+				"export PIGLIT_PLATFORM=android\n" + \
+				"export PIGLIT_SOURCE_DIR=/data\n" + \
+				"chmod 777 /system/bin/{command}\n" + \
+				"/system/bin/{command} {param} 2> /data/piglittext_{command}.log\n" + \
+				"echo $? > /data/piglitreturncode_{command}.log\n" + \
+				"rm /system/bin/{command}\n").format(command=command[0], param=' '.join(command[1:]))
+			self.sh_script_host = \
+				("#!/bin/bash\n" + \
+				"which adb &>/dev/null\n" + \
+				"\n" + \
+				"if [ $? == 1 ] ; then\n" + \
+				"    echo \"no adb\" 1>&2\n" + \
+				"    return 1\n" + \
+				"    fi\n" + \
+				"\n" + \
+				"adb remount &>/dev/null\n" + \
+				"\n" + \
+				"for i in $*; do\n" + \
+				"       if [[ \"$i\" == */lib/* ]]; then\n" + \
+				"               adb push $i /system/lib &>/dev/null\n" + \
+				"       else\n" + \
+				"               adb push $i /system/bin &>/dev/null\n" + \
+				"       fi\n" + \
+				"done\n" + \
+				"\n" + \
+				"adb shell \"if [ ! -d \\\"/data/tests\\\" ]; then mkdir /data/tests; fi\" &>/dev/null\n" + \
+				"adb shell \"if [ ! -d \\\"/data/tests/spec\\\" ]; then mkdir /data/tests/spec; fi\" &>/dev/null\n" + \
+				"\n" + \
+				"adb push {bindir}../tests/spec/{testdir} /data/tests/spec/{testdir} &>/dev/null\n" + \
+				"\n" + \
+				"adb shell source /system/bin/piglit_{command}_android.sh\n" + \
+				"adb shell rm /system/bin/piglit_{command}_android.sh\n" + \
+				"\n" + \
+				"adb pull /data/piglittext_{command}.log /tmp &>/dev/null\n" + \
+				"adb shell rm /data/piglittext_{command}.log\n" + \
+				"adb pull /data/piglitreturncode_{command}.log /tmp &>/dev/null\n" + \
+				"adb shell rm /data/piglitreturncode_{command}.log\n" + \
+				"\n" + \
+				"grep 'PIGLIT:' /tmp/piglittext_{command}.log 1>&2\n" + \
+				"returncode=$(</tmp/piglitreturncode_{command}.log)\n" + \
+				"rm /tmp/piglittext_{command}.log\n" + \
+				"rm /tmp/piglitreturncode_{command}.log\n" + \
+				"return $returncode\n").format(command=self.command_name, testdir=foldername, bindir=testBinDir)
+			temp_command = ['/bin/bash', \
+				'-c', \
+				'source ' + writepath + '/piglit_{command}_host.sh'.format(command=self.command_name), \
+				writepath + '/piglit_{command}_android.sh'.format(command=self.command_name), \
+				writepath + '/piglit_{command}_android.sh'.format(command=self.command_name), \
+				testBinDir + self.command[0], \
+				testBinDir + '../lib/libpiglitutil_gles1.so', \
+				testBinDir + '../lib/libpiglitutil_gles2.so', \
+				testBinDir + '../lib/libpiglitutil.so' ]
+			# this is to check if there are additional
+			# files needed to run the test. If such files
+			# found they will also be copied to device.
+			for i in range(1,len(self.command)):
+				if len(self.command[i]) >= 1  and self.command[i][0] != '-':
+					temp_command.append(self.command[i])
+			self.command = temp_command
+		else:
+			# Prepend testBinDir to the path.
+			self.command[0] = testBinDir + self.command[0]
 	def interpretResult(self, out, results):
 		outlines = out.split('\n')

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