[Piglit] [PATCH 1/3] shader_runner: remove explicit #version from spec/glsl-1.10 tests

Eric Anholt eric at anholt.net
Tue Apr 9 12:35:39 PDT 2013

Stuart Abercrombie <sabercrombie at google.com> writes:

> I've basically been following the sequence Paul Berry suggested here:
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/piglit/2012-August/003162.html.
> It seems to be a reasonable way of getting to a point where some subset of
> .shader_test scripts can be run with both GL and GLES.

Paul doesn't suggest removing #version from every shader_test in the

> As far as I know, removing the explicit #version directive does not in
> itself make any tests run somewhere new.  It's just a prerequisite.  While
> there are tests that will never transfer to GLES, continued support of
> explicit #version directives means new tests will inevitably added with it
> present.  If I remove it from all tests I can remove support for it, and
> ensure that future tests have better odds of supporting both APIs.
> Aside from this, I see them as removing redundancy, given that we already
> have GLSL >= everywhere.

While you value removing redundancy, I value explicit behavior in tests
more.  I don't like things being snuck into test behavior, like
modifying shader source in our testcases unless we get some other
significant value out of it, like the test usefully running on more
platforms or improving our code coverage.

In the cases you submitted here, these tests *shouldn't* run in any
other than GLSL version 1.10, so we don't get any extra value.
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