[Piglit] Deleting ~20% of glean/no more directory spam

Brian Paul brian.e.paul at gmail.com
Tue Jan 1 07:59:32 PST 2013

On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 7:40 PM, Kenneth Graunke <kenneth at whitecape.org> wrote:

> Now that Piglit's import of Glean is beginning to diverge from Glean proper,
> my hope is that someday people will port over various tests to the native
> Piglit framework, then delete the equivalent Glean code.  A bit more work
> is necessary, like adding multi-visual support to Piglit, but we want to do
> that anyway.

I've gone through the list of piglist tests (generated by glean
--listtests) and I think I've identified the ones to port to piglit
vs. discard.  About half should probably be ported.  Some of these
have already been disabled in piglit.

api2                discard (no real value)
basic               discard (not a real test)
basicPerf           discard (perf)
makeCurrent         discard (n/a to piglit)
blendFunc           keep
bufferObject        keep
texBindPerf         discard (perf)
clipFlat            keep
depthStencil        keep
fbo                 probably discard (covered by piglit tests)
fpexceptions        keep
fragProg1           discard (covered by piglit)
getString           discard (no value)
glsl1               discard (covered by piglit)
logicOp             keep
maskedClear         keep
occluQry            keep
orthoPosRandTris    keep
orthoPosRandRects   keep
orthoPosTinyQuads   keep
orthoPosHLines      keep
orthoPosVLines      keep
orthoPosPoints      keep
paths               discard (not too valuable)
pbo                 maybe keep (covered by piglit?)
polygonOffset       keep
pixelFormats        discard (see piglit texture-packed-formats.c)
pointAtten          keep
pointSprite         keep
exactRGBA           discard (always fails)
readPixSanity       discard (not needed)
readpixPerf         discard (perf)
rgbTriStrip         discard (any value?)
scissor             keep
shaderAPI           discard (covered by piglit)
stencil2            discard (see piglit stencil-twoside.c)
teapot              discard (perf)
texCombine          keep
texCombine4         keep
texCube             discard (see piglit cubemap.c)
texEnv              keep
texgen              keep
texRect             keep
texSwizzle          discard (see piglit tex-swizzle.c)
texture_srgb        discard (see piglit tex-srgb.c)
texUnits            keep
vertArrayBGRA       discard (see piglit bgra-sec-color-pointer.c,
vertattrib          discard (don't care about GL_NV_vertex_program)
vertProg1           discard (covered by piglit)
coloredTexPerf2     discard (perf)
coloredLitPerf2     discard (perf)


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