[Piglit] [PATCH v2 22/29] gen_builtin_packing_tests.py PEP8 compliance

Dylan Baker baker.dylan.c at gmail.com
Tue Jul 23 09:39:13 PDT 2013

Remaining PEP8 violations:
247, 392: These are part of a mako template that is embedded in the
		  python file. A better solution than wrapping them would be to
		  split them out of the python and put them in their own mako

v2: - Fix one of the issues left in v1
    - Revert to tabluar spacing in tables
    - Fix indent in two functions per Chad
    - Revert glsl_es_300 function to be formatted more like it was

Signed-off-by: Dylan Baker <baker.dylan.c at gmail.com>
 generated_tests/gen_builtin_packing_tests.py | 300 ++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 157 insertions(+), 143 deletions(-)

diff --git a/generated_tests/gen_builtin_packing_tests.py b/generated_tests/gen_builtin_packing_tests.py
index 5eeea62..82f9832 100644
--- a/generated_tests/gen_builtin_packing_tests.py
+++ b/generated_tests/gen_builtin_packing_tests.py
@@ -280,7 +280,8 @@ vs_unpack_template = Template(dedent("""\
     % if func.exact:
     uniform int exact 1
     % else:
-    uniform int exact ${int(int(io.input[:-1]) in (0x0, 0xffffffff, 0x80808080, 0x81818181))}
+    uniform int exact ${int(int(io.input[:-1]) in (0x0, 0xffffffff, 0x80808080,
+                                                   0x81818181))}
     % endif
     % for j in range(func.num_valid_outputs):
     uniform ${func.vector_type} expect${j} ${" ".join(io.valid_outputs[j])}
@@ -415,7 +416,8 @@ fs_unpack_template = Template(dedent("""\
     % if func.exact:
     uniform int exact 1
     % else:
-    uniform int exact ${int(int(io.input[:-1]) in (0x0, 0xffffffff, 0x80808080, 0x81818181))}
+    uniform int exact ${int(int(io.input[:-1]) in (0x0, 0xffffffff, 0x80808080,
+                                                   0x81818181))}
     % endif
     % for i in range(func.num_valid_outputs):
     uniform ${func.vector_type} expect${i} ${" ".join(io.valid_outputs[i])}
@@ -427,24 +429,24 @@ fs_unpack_template = Template(dedent("""\
 template_table = {
-    ("const", "p", "2x16") : const_pack_template,
-    ("const", "p",  "4x8") : const_pack_template,
-    ("const", "u", "2x16") : const_unpack_template,
-    ("const", "u",  "4x8") : const_unpack_template,
-    ("vs",    "p", "2x16") : vs_pack_template,
-    ("vs",    "p",  "4x8") : vs_pack_template,
-    ("vs",    "u", "2x16") : vs_unpack_template,
-    ("vs",    "u",  "4x8") : vs_unpack_template,
-    ("fs",    "p", "2x16") : fs_pack_template,
-    ("fs",    "p",  "4x8") : fs_pack_template,
-    ("fs",    "u", "2x16") : fs_unpack_template,
-    ("fs",    "u",  "4x8") : fs_unpack_template,
+    ("const", "p", "2x16"): const_pack_template,
+    ("const", "p",  "4x8"): const_pack_template,
+    ("const", "u", "2x16"): const_unpack_template,
+    ("const", "u",  "4x8"): const_unpack_template,
+    ("vs",    "p", "2x16"): vs_pack_template,
+    ("vs",    "p",  "4x8"): vs_pack_template,
+    ("vs",    "u", "2x16"): vs_unpack_template,
+    ("vs",    "u",  "4x8"): vs_unpack_template,
+    ("fs",    "p", "2x16"): fs_pack_template,
+    ("fs",    "p",  "4x8"): fs_pack_template,
+    ("fs",    "u", "2x16"): fs_unpack_template,
+    ("fs",    "u",  "4x8"): fs_unpack_template}
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Math for pack/unpack functions
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class FuncOpts:
     """Options that modify the evaluation of the GLSL pack/unpack functions.
@@ -492,6 +494,7 @@ class FuncOpts:
         x = float32(x)
         return self.__round_func(x)
 def clamp(x, min, max):
     if x < min:
         return min
@@ -500,6 +503,7 @@ def clamp(x, min, max):
         return x
 def round_to_nearest(x):
     # Get fractional and integral parts.
     (f, i) = modf(x)
@@ -509,6 +513,7 @@ def round_to_nearest(x):
         return i + copysign(1.0, x)
 def round_to_even(x):
     # Get fractional and integral parts.
     (f, i) = modf(x)
@@ -520,6 +525,7 @@ def round_to_even(x):
         return i + copysign(1.0, x)
 def pack_2x16(pack_1x16_func, x, y, func_opts):
     """Evaluate a GLSL pack2x16 function.
@@ -539,6 +545,7 @@ def pack_2x16(pack_1x16_func, x, y, func_opts):
     return uint32((uy << 16) | ux)
 def pack_4x8(pack_1x8_func, x, y, z, w, func_opts):
     """Evaluate a GLSL pack4x8 function.
@@ -564,6 +571,7 @@ def pack_4x8(pack_1x8_func, x, y, z, w, func_opts):
     return uint32((uw << 24) | (uz << 16) | (uy << 8) | ux)
 def unpack_2x16(unpack_1x16_func, u, func_opts):
     """Evaluate a GLSL unpack2x16 function.
@@ -585,6 +593,7 @@ def unpack_2x16(unpack_1x16_func, u, func_opts):
     return (x, y)
 def unpack_4x8(unpack_1x8_func, u, func_opts):
     """Evaluate a GLSL unpack4x8 function.
@@ -612,46 +621,55 @@ def unpack_4x8(unpack_1x8_func, u, func_opts):
     return (x, y, z, w)
 def pack_snorm_1x8(f32, func_opts):
     """Component-wise function of packSnorm4x8."""
     assert(isinstance(f32, float32))
     return uint8(int8(func_opts.round(clamp(f32, -1.0, +1.0) * 127.0)))
 def pack_snorm_1x16(f32, func_opts):
     """Component-wise function of packSnorm2x16."""
     assert(isinstance(f32, float32))
     return uint16(int16(func_opts.round(clamp(f32, -1.0, +1.0) * 32767.0)))
 def unpack_snorm_1x8(u8):
     """Component-wise function of unpackSnorm4x8."""
     assert(isinstance(u8, uint8))
     return float32(clamp(int8(u8) / 127.0, -1.0, +1.0))
 def unpack_snorm_1x16(u16):
     """Component-wise function of unpackSnorm2x16."""
     assert(isinstance(u16, uint16))
     return float32(clamp(int16(u16) / 32767.0, -1.0, +1.0))
 def pack_unorm_1x8(f32, func_opts):
     """Component-wise function of packUnorm4x8."""
     assert(isinstance(f32, float32))
     return uint8(func_opts.round(clamp(f32, 0.0, 1.0) * 255.0))
 def pack_unorm_1x16(f32, func_opts):
     """Component-wise function of packUnorm2x16."""
     assert(isinstance(f32, float32))
     return uint16(func_opts.round(clamp(f32, 0.0, 1.0) * 65535.0))
 def unpack_unorm_1x8(u8):
     """Component-wise function of unpackUnorm4x8."""
     assert(isinstance(u8, uint8))
     return float32(u8 / 255.0)
 def unpack_unorm_1x16(u16):
     """Component-wise function of unpackUnorm2x16."""
     assert(isinstance(u16, uint16))
     return float32(u16 / 65535.0)
 def pack_half_1x16(f32, func_opts):
     """Component-wise function of packHalf2x16."""
     assert(isinstance(f32, float32))
@@ -664,11 +682,11 @@ def pack_half_1x16(f32, func_opts):
     # The sign, exponent, and mantissa determine its value by:
-    #  if e = 0 and m = 0, then zero:       (-1)^s * 0
-    #  if e = 0 and m != 0, then subnormal: (-1)^s * 2^(e - 14) * m / 2^10
-    #  if 0 < e < 31, then normal:          (-1)^s * 2^(e - 15) * (1 + m / 2^10)
-    #  if e = 31 and m = 0, then inf:       (-1)^s * inf
-    #  if e = 31 and m != 0, then nan
+    # if e = 0 and m = 0, then zero:       (-1)^s * 0
+    # if e = 0 and m != 0, then subnormal: (-1)^s * 2^(e - 14) * m / 2^10
+    # if 0 < e < 31, then normal:          (-1)^s * 2^(e - 15) * (1 + m / 2^10)
+    # if e = 31 and m = 0, then inf:       (-1)^s * inf
+    # if e = 31 and m != 0, then nan
     # where 0 <= m < 2^10.
@@ -697,7 +715,7 @@ def pack_half_1x16(f32, func_opts):
     # Calculate sign bit.
     # Use copysign() to handle the case where x is -0.0.
     if copysign(1.0, f32) < 0.0:
-        s =  1
+        s = 1
     # To reduce the number of cases in the if-tree below, decompose `abs(f32)`
     # rather than `f32`.
@@ -755,6 +773,7 @@ def pack_half_1x16(f32, func_opts):
     return uint16((s << 15) | (e << 10) | m)
 def unpack_half_1x16(u16):
     """Component-wise function of unpackHalf2x16."""
     assert(isinstance(u16, uint16))
@@ -767,11 +786,11 @@ def unpack_half_1x16(u16):
     # The sign, exponent, and mantissa determine its value by:
-    #  if e = 0 and m = 0, then zero:       (-1)^s * 0
-    #  if e = 0 and m != 0, then subnormal: (-1)^s * 2^(e - 14) * m / 2^10
-    #  if 0 < e < 31, then normal:          (-1)^s * 2^(e - 15) * (1 + m / 2^10)
-    #  if e = 31 and m = 0, then inf:       (-1)^s * inf
-    #  if e = 31 and m != 0, then nan
+    # if e = 0 and m = 0, then zero:       (-1)^s * 0
+    # if e = 0 and m != 0, then subnormal: (-1)^s * 2^(e - 14) * m / 2^10
+    # if 0 < e < 31, then normal:          (-1)^s * 2^(e - 15) * (1 + m / 2^10)
+    # if e = 31 and m = 0, then inf:       (-1)^s * inf
+    # if e = 31 and m != 0, then nan
     # where 0 <= m < 2^10.
@@ -787,7 +806,7 @@ def unpack_half_1x16(u16):
     if e == 0:
         return float32(sign * 2.0**(-14) * (m / 2.0**10))
     elif 1 <= e and e <= 30:
-        return float32(sign * 2.0**(e - 15.0) * (1.0 +  m / 2.0**10))
+        return float32(sign * 2.0**(e - 15.0) * (1.0 + m / 2.0**10))
     elif e == 31 and m == 0:
         return float32(sign * float32("inf"))
     elif e == 31 and m != 0:
@@ -817,17 +836,16 @@ full_input_table = dict()
 reduced_input_table = dict()
 def make_inputs_for_pack_snorm_2x16():
     # The domain of packSnorm2x16 is [-inf, +inf]^2. The function clamps
     # its input into the range [-1, +1]^2.
-    pos = (
-        0.0, # zero
-        0.1, # near zero
-        0.9, # slightly below the clamp boundary
-        1.0, # the clamp boundary
-        1.1, # slightly above the clamp boundary
-        float("+inf"),
-        )
+    pos = (0.0,  # zero
+           0.1,  # near zero
+           0.9,  # slightly below the clamp boundary
+           1.0,  # the clamp boundary
+           1.1,  # slightly above the clamp boundary
+           float("+inf"))
     neg = tuple(reversed(tuple(-x for x in pos)))
     return tuple(float32(x) for x in pos + neg)
@@ -842,8 +860,7 @@ full_input_table["unpackSnorm2x16"] = tuple(uint16(u) for u in (
     2**15 - 1,
     2**15 + 1,
-    2**16 - 1, # max uint16
-    ))
+    2**16 - 1))  # max uint16
 # XXX: Perhaps there is a better choice of test inputs?
 full_input_table["unpackSnorm4x8"] = tuple(uint8(u) for u in (
@@ -851,23 +868,21 @@ full_input_table["unpackSnorm4x8"] = tuple(uint8(u) for u in (
     2**7 - 1,
     2**7 + 1,
-    2**8 - 1, # max uint8
-    ))
+    2**8 - 1))  # max uint8
 full_input_table["packUnorm2x16"] = tuple(float32(x) for x in (
     # The domain of packUnorm2x16 is [-inf, +inf]^2. The function clamps its
     # input into the range [0, 1]^2.
-    -0.1, # slightly below the inner clamp boundary
-    -0.0, # infintesimally below the inner clamp boundary
-    +0.0, # the inner clamp boundary
-    +0.1, # slightly above the inner clamp boundary
-    +0.9, # slightly below the outer clamp boundary
-    +1.0, # the outer clamp boundary
-    +1.1, # slightly above the outer clamp boundary
-    "+inf",
-    ))
+    -0.1,  # slightly below the inner clamp boundary
+    -0.0,  # infintesimally below the inner clamp boundary
+    +0.0,  # the inner clamp boundary
+    +0.1,  # slightly above the inner clamp boundary
+    +0.9,  # slightly below the outer clamp boundary
+    +1.0,  # the outer clamp boundary
+    +1.1,  # slightly above the outer clamp boundary
+    "+inf"))
 reduced_input_table["packUnorm2x16"] = None
@@ -877,6 +892,7 @@ full_input_table["packUnorm4x8"] = full_input_table["packUnorm2x16"]
 full_input_table["unpackUnorm2x16"] = full_input_table["unpackSnorm2x16"]
 full_input_table["unpackUnorm4x8"] = full_input_table["unpackSnorm4x8"]
 def make_inputs_for_pack_half_2x16():
     # The domain of packHalf2x16 is ([-inf, +inf] + {NaN})^2. The function
     # does not clamp its input.
@@ -886,14 +902,13 @@ def make_inputs_for_pack_half_2x16():
     subnormal_min = 2.0**(-14) * (1.0 / 2.0**10)
     subnormal_max = 2.0**(-14) * (1023.0 / 2.0**10)
-    normal_min    = 2.0**(-14) * (1.0 + 0.0 / 2.0**10)
-    normal_max    = 2.0**15 * (1.0 + 1023.0 / 2.0**10)
-    min_step      = 2.0**(-24)
-    max_step      = 2.0**5
+    normal_min = 2.0**(-14) * (1.0 + 0.0 / 2.0**10)
+    normal_max = 2.0**15 * (1.0 + 1023.0 / 2.0**10)
+    min_step = 2.0**(-24)
+    max_step = 2.0**5
     pos = tuple(float32(x) for x in (
         # Inputs that result in 0.0 .
-        #
         0.0 + 0.25 * min_step,
@@ -906,7 +921,8 @@ def make_inputs_for_pack_half_2x16():
         0.0 + 0.50 * min_step,
-        # Inputs that result in a subnormal float16.
+        # Inputs that result in a subnormal
+        # float16.
         0.0 + 0.75 * min_step,
         subnormal_min + 0.00 * min_step,
@@ -966,46 +982,37 @@ def make_inputs_for_pack_half_2x16():
         normal_max + 1.00 * max_step,
         normal_max + 2.00 * max_step,
-        "+inf",
-    ))
+        "+inf"))
     neg = tuple(reversed([-x for x in pos]))
     return neg + pos
 full_input_table["packHalf2x16"] = make_inputs_for_pack_half_2x16()
-reduced_input_table["packHalf2x16"] = tuple(float32(x) for x in (
-    "-inf",
-    -2.0,
-    -1.0,
-    -0.0,
-    +0.0,
-    +1.0,
-    +2.0,
-    "+inf",
-    ))
+reduced_input_table["packHalf2x16"] = tuple(float32(x) for x in ("-inf",
+                                                                 -2.0,
+                                                                 -1.0,
+                                                                 -0.0,
+                                                                 +0.0,
+                                                                 +1.0,
+                                                                 +2.0,
+                                                                 "+inf"))
 def make_inputs_for_unpack_half_2x16():
     # For each of the two classes of float16 values, subnormal and normalized,
     # below are listed the exponent and mantissa of the class's boundary
     # values and some values slightly inside the bounds.
-    bounds = (
-        ( 0,    0), # zero
-        ( 0,    1), # subnormal_min
-        ( 0,    2), # subnormal_min + min_step
-        ( 0, 1022), # subnormal_max - min_step
-        ( 0, 1023), # subnormal_max
-        ( 1,    0), # normal_min
-        ( 1,    1), # normal_min + min_step
-        (30, 1022), # normal_max - max_step
-        (30, 1023), # normal_max
-        (31,    0), # inf
-    )
+    bounds = ((0,     0),  # zero
+              (0,     1),  # subnormal_min
+              (0,     2),  # subnormal_min + min_step
+              (0,  1022),  # subnormal_max - min_step
+              (0,  1023),  # subnormal_max
+              (1,     0),  # normal_min
+              (1,     1),  # normal_min + min_step
+              (30, 1022),  # normal_max - max_step
+              (30, 1023),  # normal_max
+              (31,    0))  # inf
     def make_uint16(s, e, m):
         return uint16((s << 15) | (e << 10) | m)
@@ -1036,6 +1043,7 @@ full_input_table["unpackHalf2x16"] = make_inputs_for_unpack_half_2x16()
 InOutTuple = namedtuple("InOutTuple", ("input", "valid_outputs"))
 def glsl_literal(x):
     """Convert the given number to a string that represents a GLSL literal.
@@ -1070,6 +1078,7 @@ def glsl_literal(x):
 def make_inouts_for_pack_2x16(pack_1x16_func,
@@ -1117,6 +1126,7 @@ def make_inouts_for_pack_2x16(pack_1x16_func,
     return inout_seq
 def make_inouts_for_pack_4x8(pack_1x8_func, float32_inputs):
     """Determine valid outputs for a given GLSL pack4x8 function.
@@ -1154,6 +1164,7 @@ def make_inouts_for_pack_4x8(pack_1x8_func, float32_inputs):
     return inout_seq
 def make_inouts_for_unpack_2x16(unpack_1x16_func, uint16_inputs):
     """Determine expected outputs of a given GLSL unpack2x16 function.
@@ -1179,6 +1190,7 @@ def make_inouts_for_unpack_2x16(unpack_1x16_func, uint16_inputs):
     return inout_seq
 def make_inouts_for_unpack_4x8(unpack_1x8_func, uint8_inputs):
     """Determine expected outputs of a given GLSL unpack4x8 function.
@@ -1218,51 +1230,59 @@ def make_inouts_for_unpack_4x8(unpack_1x8_func, uint8_inputs):
-            inout_seq.append(
-                InOutTuple(input=glsl_literal(u32_0),
-                           valid_outputs=valid_outputs_0))
-            inout_seq.append(
-                InOutTuple(input=glsl_literal(u32_1),
-                           valid_outputs=valid_outputs_1))
+            inout_seq.append(InOutTuple(input=glsl_literal(u32_0),
+                                        valid_outputs=valid_outputs_0))
+            inout_seq.append(InOutTuple(input=glsl_literal(u32_1),
+                                        valid_outputs=valid_outputs_1))
     return inout_seq
 # This table maps GLSL pack/unpack function names to the precision of their
 # return type.
-result_precision_table = {
-    "packSnorm2x16": "highp",
-    "packSnorm4x8": "highp",
-    "packUnorm2x16": "highp",
-    "packUnorm4x8": "highp",
-    "packHalf2x16":  "highp",
-    "unpackSnorm2x16": "highp",
-    "unpackSnorm4x8": "highp",
-    "unpackUnorm2x16": "highp",
-    "unpackUnorm4x8": "highp",
-    "unpackHalf2x16":  "mediump",
-    }
+result_precision_table = {"packSnorm2x16": "highp",
+                          "packSnorm4x8": "highp",
+                          "packUnorm2x16": "highp",
+                          "packUnorm4x8": "highp",
+                          "packHalf2x16":  "highp",
+                          "unpackSnorm2x16": "highp",
+                          "unpackSnorm4x8": "highp",
+                          "unpackUnorm2x16": "highp",
+                          "unpackUnorm4x8": "highp",
+                          "unpackHalf2x16":  "mediump"}
 # This table maps GLSL pack/unpack function names to a sequence of InOutTuple.
 inout_table = {
-    "packSnorm2x16": make_inouts_for_pack_2x16(pack_snorm_1x16, full_input_table["packSnorm2x16"],  reduced_input_table["packSnorm2x16"]),
-    "packSnorm4x8": make_inouts_for_pack_4x8(pack_snorm_1x8, full_input_table["packSnorm4x8"]),
-    "packUnorm2x16": make_inouts_for_pack_2x16(pack_unorm_1x16, full_input_table["packUnorm2x16"],  reduced_input_table["packUnorm2x16"]),
-    "packUnorm4x8": make_inouts_for_pack_4x8(pack_unorm_1x8, full_input_table["packUnorm4x8"]),
-    "packHalf2x16":  make_inouts_for_pack_2x16(pack_half_1x16,  full_input_table["packHalf2x16"],   reduced_input_table["packHalf2x16"]),
-    "unpackSnorm2x16": make_inouts_for_unpack_2x16(unpack_snorm_1x16, full_input_table["unpackSnorm2x16"]),
-    "unpackSnorm4x8": make_inouts_for_unpack_4x8(unpack_snorm_1x8, full_input_table["unpackSnorm4x8"]),
-    "unpackUnorm2x16": make_inouts_for_unpack_2x16(unpack_unorm_1x16, full_input_table["unpackUnorm2x16"]),
-    "unpackUnorm4x8": make_inouts_for_unpack_4x8(unpack_unorm_1x8, full_input_table["unpackUnorm4x8"]),
-    "unpackHalf2x16":  make_inouts_for_unpack_2x16(unpack_half_1x16,  full_input_table["unpackHalf2x16"]),
-    }
+    "packSnorm2x16": make_inouts_for_pack_2x16(
+        pack_snorm_1x16, full_input_table["packSnorm2x16"],
+        reduced_input_table["packSnorm2x16"]),
+    "packSnorm4x8": make_inouts_for_pack_4x8(
+        pack_snorm_1x8, full_input_table["packSnorm4x8"]),
+    "packUnorm2x16": make_inouts_for_pack_2x16(
+        pack_unorm_1x16, full_input_table["packUnorm2x16"],
+        reduced_input_table["packUnorm2x16"]),
+    "packUnorm4x8": make_inouts_for_pack_4x8(
+        pack_unorm_1x8, full_input_table["packUnorm4x8"]),
+    "packHalf2x16":  make_inouts_for_pack_2x16(
+        pack_half_1x16, full_input_table["packHalf2x16"],
+        reduced_input_table["packHalf2x16"]),
+    "unpackSnorm2x16": make_inouts_for_unpack_2x16(
+        unpack_snorm_1x16, full_input_table["unpackSnorm2x16"]),
+    "unpackSnorm4x8": make_inouts_for_unpack_4x8(
+        unpack_snorm_1x8, full_input_table["unpackSnorm4x8"]),
+    "u npackUnorm2x16": make_inouts_for_unpack_2x16(
+        unpack_unorm_1x16, full_input_table["unpackUnorm2x16"]),
+    "unpackUnorm4x8": make_inouts_for_unpack_4x8(
+        unpack_unorm_1x8, full_input_table["unpackUnorm4x8"]),
+    "unpackHalf2x16": make_inouts_for_unpack_2x16(
+        unpack_half_1x16, full_input_table["unpackHalf2x16"])
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Generate test files
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class FuncInfo:
     """Information for a GLSL pack/unpack function.
@@ -1304,11 +1324,12 @@ class FuncInfo:
             self.dimension = "2x16"
             self.vector_type = "vec2"
         elif name.endswith("4x8"):
-            self.dimension =  "4x8"
+            self.dimension = "4x8"
             self.vector_type = "vec4"
 class ShaderTest:
     """A .shader_test file."""
@@ -1321,30 +1342,23 @@ class ShaderTest:
             FuncInfo("packUnorm2x16", requirements),
             FuncInfo("packUnorm4x8", requirements),
             FuncInfo("packHalf2x16", requirements),
             FuncInfo("unpackSnorm2x16", requirements),
             FuncInfo("unpackSnorm4x8", requirements),
             FuncInfo("unpackUnorm2x16", requirements),
             FuncInfo("unpackUnorm4x8", requirements),
-            FuncInfo("unpackHalf2x16", requirements),
-            )
+            FuncInfo("unpackHalf2x16", requirements))
         requirements = "GL ES >= 3.0\nGLSL ES >= 3.00"
         glsl_es_300_funcs = (
             FuncInfo("packSnorm2x16", requirements),
             FuncInfo("packUnorm2x16", requirements),
             FuncInfo("packHalf2x16", requirements),
             FuncInfo("unpackSnorm2x16", requirements),
             FuncInfo("unpackUnorm2x16", requirements),
-            FuncInfo("unpackHalf2x16", requirements),
-            )
+            FuncInfo("unpackHalf2x16", requirements)
+        )
-        execution_stages = (
-            "const",
-            "vs",
-            "fs",
-            )
+        execution_stages = ("const", "vs", "fs")
         for s in execution_stages:
             for f in glsl_es_300_funcs:
@@ -1361,13 +1375,12 @@ class ShaderTest:
         self.__func_info = func_info
-        self.__filename = os.path.join(
-                            "spec",
-                            api,
-                            "execution",
-                            "built-in-functions",
-                            "{0}-{1}.shader_test"\
-                            .format(execution_stage, func_info.name))
+        self.__filename = os.path.join("spec",
+                                       api,
+                                       "execution",
+                                       "built-in-functions",
+                                       "{0}-{1}.shader_test".format(
+                                           execution_stage, func_info.name))
     def filename(self):
@@ -1382,16 +1395,17 @@ class ShaderTest:
             ctx = mako.runtime.Context(buffer, func=self.__func_info)
 def main():
-    parser = optparse.OptionParser(
-                description="Generate shader tests that test the built-in " + \
-                            "packing functions",
-                usage="usage: %prog [-h] [--names-only]")
-    parser.add_option(
-        '--names-only',
-        dest='names_only',
-        action='store_true',
-        help="Don't output files, just generate a list of filenames to stdout")
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser(description="Generate shader tests that "
+                                               "test the built-inpacking "
+                                               "functions",
+                                   usage="usage: %prog [-h] [--names-only]")
+    parser.add_option('--names-only',
+                      dest='names_only',
+                      action='store_true',
+                      help="Don't output files, just generate a list of "
+                           "filenames to stdout")
     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

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