[Piglit] [PATCH v2 23/29] gen_texture_query_lod_tests.py: PEP8 compliance

Dylan Baker baker.dylan.c at gmail.com
Tue Jul 23 09:39:14 PDT 2013

Signed-off-by: Dylan Baker <baker.dylan.c at gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Chad Versace <chad.versace at linux.intel.com>
 generated_tests/gen_texture_query_lod_tests.py | 223 ++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 110 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-)

diff --git a/generated_tests/gen_texture_query_lod_tests.py b/generated_tests/gen_texture_query_lod_tests.py
index 3e3de48..1341f7d 100755
--- a/generated_tests/gen_texture_query_lod_tests.py
+++ b/generated_tests/gen_texture_query_lod_tests.py
@@ -28,125 +28,122 @@ from mako.template import Template
 from textwrap import dedent
 sampler_type_to_coord_type = {
-	'sampler1D':              'float',
-	'isampler1D':             'float',
-	'usampler1D':             'float',
-	'sampler2D':              'vec2',
-	'isampler2D':             'vec2',
-	'usampler2D':             'vec2',
-	'sampler3D':              'vec3',
-	'isampler3D':             'vec3',
-	'usampler3D':             'vec3',
-	'samplerCube':            'vec3',
-	'isamplerCube':           'vec3',
-	'usamplerCube':           'vec3',
-	'sampler1DArray':         'float',
-	'isampler1DArray':        'float',
-	'usampler1DArray':        'float',
-	'sampler2DArray':         'vec2',
-	'isampler2DArray':        'vec2',
-	'usampler2DArray':        'vec2',
-	'samplerCubeArray':       'vec3',
-	'isamplerCubeArray':      'vec3',
-	'usamplerCubeArray':      'vec3',
-	'sampler1DShadow':        'float',
-	'sampler2DShadow':        'vec2',
-	'samplerCubeShadow':      'vec3',
-	'sampler1DArrayShadow':   'float',
-	'sampler2DArrayShadow':   'vec2',
-	'samplerCubeArrayShadow': 'vec3',
+    'sampler1D':              'float',
+    'isampler1D':             'float',
+    'usampler1D':             'float',
+    'sampler2D':              'vec2',
+    'isampler2D':             'vec2',
+    'usampler2D':             'vec2',
+    'sampler3D':              'vec3',
+    'isampler3D':             'vec3',
+    'usampler3D':             'vec3',
+    'samplerCube':            'vec3',
+    'isamplerCube':           'vec3',
+    'usamplerCube':           'vec3',
+    'sampler1DArray':         'float',
+    'isampler1DArray':        'float',
+    'usampler1DArray':        'float',
+    'sampler2DArray':         'vec2',
+    'isampler2DArray':        'vec2',
+    'usampler2DArray':        'vec2',
+    'samplerCubeArray':       'vec3',
+    'isamplerCubeArray':      'vec3',
+    'usamplerCubeArray':      'vec3',
+    'sampler1DShadow':        'float',
+    'sampler2DShadow':        'vec2',
+    'samplerCubeShadow':      'vec3',
+    'sampler1DArrayShadow':   'float',
+    'sampler2DArrayShadow':   'vec2',
+    'samplerCubeArrayShadow': 'vec3',
 requirements = {
-	'ARB_texture_query_lod': {
-		'version': '1.30',
-		'extension': 'GL_ARB_texture_query_lod'
-	},
-	'glsl-4.00': {
-		'version': '4.00',
-		'extension': ''
-	}
+    'ARB_texture_query_lod': {
+        'version': '1.30',
+        'extension': 'GL_ARB_texture_query_lod'
+    },
+    'glsl-4.00': {
+        'version': '4.00',
+        'extension': ''
+    }
 template = Template(dedent("""\
-	/* [config]
-	% if execution_stage == 'fs':
-	 * expect_result: pass
-	% else:
-	 * expect_result: fail
-	% endif
-	 * glsl_version: ${version}
-	% if extensions:
-	 * require_extensions: ${" ".join(extensions)}
-	% endif
-	 * [end config]
-	 */
-	#version ${version.translate(None, '.')}
-	% for extension in extensions:
-	#extension ${extension} : enable
-	% endfor
-	uniform ${sampler_type} s;
-	% if execution_stage == 'fs':
-	varying ${coord_type} coord;
-	% else:
-	uniform ${coord_type} coord;
-	% endif
-	void main()
-	{
-		% if execution_stage == 'fs':
-		gl_FragColor.xy = textureQuery${Lod}(s, coord);
-		% else:
-		gl_Position.xy = textureQuery${Lod}(s, coord);
-		% endif
-	}
+    /* [config]
+    % if execution_stage == 'fs':
+     * expect_result: pass
+    % else:
+     * expect_result: fail
+    % endif
+     * glsl_version: ${version}
+    % if extensions:
+     * require_extensions: ${" ".join(extensions)}
+    % endif
+     * [end config]
+     */
+    #version ${version.translate(None, '.')}
+    % for extension in extensions:
+    #extension ${extension} : enable
+    % endfor
+    uniform ${sampler_type} s;
+    % if execution_stage == 'fs':
+    varying ${coord_type} coord;
+    % else:
+    uniform ${coord_type} coord;
+    % endif
+    void main()
+    {
+        % if execution_stage == 'fs':
+        gl_FragColor.xy = textureQuery${Lod}(s, coord);
+        % else:
+        gl_Position.xy = textureQuery${Lod}(s, coord);
+        % endif
+    }
 for api, requirement in requirements.iteritems():
-	for sampler_type, coord_type in sampler_type_to_coord_type.iteritems():
-		for execution_stage in ("vs", "fs"):
-			file_extension = 'frag' if execution_stage == 'fs' else 'vert'
-			filename = os.path.join("spec",
-						api,
-						"compiler",
-						"built-in-functions",
-						"{0}.{1}"\
-						.format(sampler_type,
-							file_extension))
-			print filename
-			dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
-			if not os.path.exists(dirname):
-				os.makedirs(dirname)
-			version = requirement['version']
-			extensions = [requirement['extension']]
-			# samplerCubeArray types are part GLSL 4.00
-			# or GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array.
-			if api == "ARB_texture_query_lod" and \
-			   sampler_type in ['samplerCubeArray', \
-					    'isamplerCubeArray', \
-					    'usamplerCubeArray', \
-					    'samplerCubeArrayShadow']:
-				extensions += ['GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array']
-			Lod = 'Lod' if api == 'glsl-4.00' else 'LOD';
-			f = open(filename, "w")
-			f.write(template.render(version = version,
-						extensions = extensions,
-						execution_stage = execution_stage,
-						sampler_type = sampler_type,
-						coord_type = coord_type,
-						Lod = Lod))
-			f.close()
+    for sampler_type, coord_type in sampler_type_to_coord_type.iteritems():
+        for execution_stage in ("vs", "fs"):
+            file_extension = 'frag' if execution_stage == 'fs' else 'vert'
+            filename = os.path.join("spec",
+                                    api,
+                                    "compiler",
+                                    "built-in-functions",
+                                    "{0}.{1}".format(sampler_type,
+                                                     file_extension))
+            print filename
+            dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
+            if not os.path.exists(dirname):
+                os.makedirs(dirname)
+            version = requirement['version']
+            extensions = [requirement['extension']]
+            # samplerCubeArray types are part GLSL 4.00
+            # or GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array.
+            if api == "ARB_texture_query_lod" and sampler_type in [
+                    'samplerCubeArray', 'isamplerCubeArray',
+                    'usamplerCubeArray', 'samplerCubeArrayShadow']:
+                extensions += ['GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array']
+            Lod = 'Lod' if api == 'glsl-4.00' else 'LOD'
+            f = open(filename, "w")
+            f.write(template.render(version=version,
+                                    extensions=extensions,
+                                    execution_stage=execution_stage,
+                                    sampler_type=sampler_type,
+                                    coord_type=coord_type,
+                                    Lod=Lod))
+            f.close()

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