[Piglit] Suggestions for creating statistical information from piglit results

Timothy Arceri t_arceri at yahoo.com.au
Wed May 14 00:11:22 PDT 2014

After Valve's Rich Geldreich blasting of OpenGL drivers and reading this
post [2] which trys to compare the driver quality of different drivers
using the g-truc samples [3]
I'm now interested in creating a similar graph and html page with a
breakdown of pass/fail into gl version categories similar to the pdf
provided on the website. This would provide some good stats on the real
quality of the drivers given piglits wide range of tests.

My question to those more knowledgeable about the inner working of
piglit is what is the easiest way to create this? Obviously I need to
add some functionality to the summary creation tool. But I also need a
way to categories the tests into there respective gl version, glsl
version and/or extension something thats not currently output to the
results file. How would you suggest adding/extracting that information?
I guess adding three new fields to the results might be useful:

But I'm not sure how I should extract that information and where in the
code this should be implemented? Is this even possible? I assume I would
at least have to have a table on the summary generation side to be able
to map the test to the correct category as if say the require version
for the test was used to work out the gl-version that wouldn't
automatically mean that extension was part of that gl version.

Anyway let me know your thoughts.


[2] http://www.g-truc.net/post-0655.html
[3] https://github.com/g-truc/ogl-samples

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