[Piglit] [PATCH] main: Test for CreateBuffers.

Laura Ekstrand laura at jlekstrand.net
Thu Mar 5 13:17:08 PST 2015

I guess the question is then, "Do we want DSA to work on hardware without
Geometry Shaders?"

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 12:26 PM, Ilia Mirkin <imirkin at alum.mit.edu> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Laura Ekstrand <laura at jlekstrand.net>
> wrote:
> > Oddly enough, there is no "core context" for 3.1.  It's not a thing.  31
> is
> > strange like that.  Core contexts start at 3.2.  The reason why your
> tests
> > work with core_compat = 31 is because Piglit jumps through some hoops,
> often
> > promoting the user automatically to 32 or above behind the scenes.  If we
> > are going to only test on core contexts, then we should probably start
> at 32
> > since 31 is such a strange beast.
> With mesa, a driver that only supports GL 3.1 will still be recognized
> as a core context. It has to jump through hoops on, say, NVIDIA
> though, since that returns a context that has ARB_compatibility
> exposed and so it goes back and requests a GL3.2 core context. At
> least one piece of hardware I semi-care about (Adreno A3XX) will
> likely have GL 3.1, but never get GL 3.2 due to lack of GS.
>   -ilia
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