[Piglit] [PATCH 01/15] arb_direct_state_access: Testing glCreateBuffers.

Martin Peres martin.peres at linux.intel.com
Thu Mar 19 00:17:33 PDT 2015

On 18/03/15 22:57, Laura Ekstrand wrote:
> Bump.  The driver functionality is upstreamed, so I'm planning on 
> pushing these tests next Monday.
> Martin:  There's another, separate test for CreateBuffers that I sent 
> out a couple of weeks ago that addresses your concerns here.

Great! However, why not update this test to make full use of DSA? Why do 
you still bind the buffer instead of using the other DSA functions to 
make use of it? In the current situation, you only test that 
glCreateBuffers does at least the same as GenBuffers.


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