[Piglit] [PATCH 2/5] deqp: make single and multi mode have similar interpret results

Dylan Baker baker.dylan.c at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 18:43:02 UTC 2016

This allows more code sharing, and gives them consistent behavior.

Signed-off-by: Dylan Baker <dylanx.c.baker at intel.com>
 framework/test/deqp.py  | 55 ++++++++++++++++----------------------
 unittests/deqp_tests.py | 70 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/framework/test/deqp.py b/framework/test/deqp.py
index e848aeb..1ed594a 100644
--- a/framework/test/deqp.py
+++ b/framework/test/deqp.py
@@ -164,14 +164,16 @@ def iter_deqp_test_cases(case_file):
 class DEQPBaseTest(Test):
-    __RESULT_MAP = {
-        "Pass": "pass",
-        "Fail": "fail",
-        "QualityWarning": "warn",
-        "InternalError": "fail",
-        "Crash": "crash",
-        "NotSupported": "skip",
-        "ResourceError": "crash",
+    # This a very hot path, a small speed optimization can be had by shortening
+    # this match to just one character
+    _RESULT_MAP = {
+        "P": status.PASS,    # Pass
+        "F": status.FAIL,    # Fail
+        "Q": status.WARN,    # QualityWarnings
+        "I": status.FAIL,    # InternalError
+        "C": status.CRASH,   # Crash
+        "N": status.SKIP,    # NotSupported
+        "R": status.CRASH,   # ResourceError
@@ -204,24 +206,25 @@ class DEQPBaseTest(Test):
         command = super(DEQPBaseTest, self).command
         return command + self.extra_args
-    def __find_map(self):
-        """Run over the lines and set the result."""
-        # splitting this into a separate function allows us to return cleanly,
-        # otherwise this requires some break/else/continue madness
-        for line in self.result.out.split('\n'):
-            line = line.lstrip()
-            for k, v in six.iteritems(self.__RESULT_MAP):
-                if line.startswith(k):
-                    self.result.result = v
-                    return
     def interpret_result(self):
         if is_crash_returncode(self.result.returncode):
             self.result.result = 'crash'
         elif self.result.returncode != 0:
             self.result.result = 'fail'
-            self.__find_map()
+            # Strip the first 3 lines, which are useless
+            cur = ''
+            lines = (l for l in self.result.out.rstrip().split('\n')[3:-8])
+            for l in lines:
+                # If there is an info block fast forward through it by calling
+                # next on the generator until it is passed.
+                if l.startswith('INFO'):
+                    while not (cur.startswith('INFO') and cur.endswith('----')):
+                        cur = next(lines)
+                    l = cur
+                if l.startswith('  '):
+                    self.result.result = self._RESULT_MAP[l[2]]
         # We failed to parse the test output. Fallback to 'fail'.
         if self.result.result == 'notrun':
@@ -233,18 +236,6 @@ class DEQPGroupTest(DEQPBaseTest):
     __name_slicer = slice(len("Test case '"), -len("'.."))
     __finder = re.compile(r'^  (Warnings|Not supported|Failed|Passed):\s+\d/(?P<total>\d+).*')
-    # This a very hot path, a small speed optimization can be had by shortening
-    # this match to just one character
-    _RESULT_MAP = {
-        "P": status.PASS,    # Pass
-        "F": status.FAIL,    # Fail
-        "Q": status.WARN,    # QualityWarnings
-        "I": status.FAIL,    # InternalError
-        "C": status.CRASH,   # Crash
-        "N": status.SKIP,    # NotSupported
-        "R": status.CRASH,   # ResourceError
-    }
     def __init__(self, case_name, **kwargs):
         super(DEQPGroupTest, self).__init__(case_name + '*', **kwargs)
diff --git a/unittests/deqp_tests.py b/unittests/deqp_tests.py
index c7cc5e4..f3b243e 100644
--- a/unittests/deqp_tests.py
+++ b/unittests/deqp_tests.py
@@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ class TestDEQPBaseTestIntepretResultStatus(object):
         self.inst = None
     __OUT = textwrap.dedent("""\
-        dEQP Core 2014.x (0xcafebabe) starting..
-          target implementation = 'DRM'
+        dEQP Core unknown (0xcafebabe) starting..
+          target implementation = 'X11 GLX'
         Test case 'dEQP-GLES2.functional.shaders.conversions.vector_to_vector.vec3_to_ivec3_fragment'..
         Vertex shader compile time = 0.129000 ms
@@ -282,6 +282,72 @@ class TestDEQPBaseTestIntepretResultStatus(object):
         nt.eq_(self.inst.result.result, 'crash')
+def test_DEQPBaseTest_interpret_result_cts():
+    """test.deqp.DEQPBaseTest.interpret_result: Handles CTS shader dumps."""
+    # The following is just something that looks kind of like a CTS shader, the
+    # point is that the layout doesn't trip up the intepret_result method
+    out = textwrap.dedent("""\
+        dEQP Core GL-CTS-2.0 (0x0052484b) starting..
+          target implementation = 'intel-gbm'
+        Test case 'A.Test.case'..
+        INFO:a test-------------------------------- BEGIN ---------------------------------
+        INFO:a test
+        [VERTEX SHADER]
+        #version foobar
+        #ifdef something
+        in something
+        INFO:mo stuff:
+        #version 300 es
+        precision highp int;
+        struct S {
+            vec4 foo;
+            vec2 fo[2];
+        };
+        layout(std140) uniform UB0 {
+            S     x;
+            S     y[2];
+        } ub0;
+        INFO:even more stuff:
+        [VERTEX SHADER]
+        #version 300 es
+        bool something () {
+            if (thing) { do! }
+        INFO:and even more stuff:
+        #version 300 es
+        precision highp int;
+        INFO:a test:OK
+        INFO:a test:--------------------------------- END ----------------------------------
+          Pass (Pass)
+        DONE!
+        Test run totals:
+          Passed:        1/1 (100.00%)
+          Failed:        0/1 (0.00%)
+          Not supported: 0/1 (0.00%)
+          Warnings:      0/1 (0.00%)
+    """)
+    test = _DEQPTestTest('foo')
+    test.result.out = out
+    test.result.returncode = 0
+    test.interpret_result()
+    nt.eq_(test.result.result, 'pass')
 class TestDEQPGroupTest_interpret_result(object):
     __out = textwrap.dedent("""
         dEQP Core unknown (0xcafebabe) starting..

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