[Piglit] [PATCH 3/5] deqp: Convert dEQP to use a custom profile.

Dylan Baker baker.dylan.c at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 18:43:03 UTC 2016

This replaces the make_profile function with a subclass of TestProfile.
It's a little cleaner and easier to understand, and much better
documented than make_profile.

It will be further extended in later patches in this series to do more
than just override the constructor.

Signed-off-by: Dylan Baker <dylanx.c.baker at intel.com>
 framework/test/deqp.py  | 96 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 tests/cts.py            | 42 ++++++++++++++--------
 tests/deqp_gles2.py     | 11 +++---
 tests/deqp_gles3.py     | 12 ++++---
 tests/deqp_gles31.py    | 11 +++---
 tests/deqp_vk.py        | 11 +++---
 unittests/deqp_tests.py | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 7 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)

diff --git a/framework/test/deqp.py b/framework/test/deqp.py
index 1ed594a..de6aab4 100644
--- a/framework/test/deqp.py
+++ b/framework/test/deqp.py
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from __future__ import (
     absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
 import abc
+import functools
 import os
 import re
 import subprocess
@@ -36,10 +37,8 @@ from framework.options import OPTIONS
 __all__ = [
-    'gen_caselist_txt',
+    'DEQPProfile',
-    'iter_deqp_test_cases',
-    'make_profile',
@@ -63,25 +62,7 @@ _EXTRA_ARGS = get_option('PIGLIT_DEQP_EXTRA_ARGS',
-def make_profile(test_list, single_class=None, multi_class=None):
-    """Create a TestProfile instance."""
-    if OPTIONS.deqp_mode == 'group':
-        assert multi_class is not None
-        _class = multi_class
-    elif OPTIONS.deqp_mode == 'test':
-        assert single_class is not None
-        _class = single_class
-    profile = TestProfile()
-    for testname in test_list:
-        # deqp uses '.' as the testgroup separator.
-        piglit_name = testname.replace('.', grouptools.SEPARATOR)
-        profile.test_list[piglit_name] = _class(testname)
-    return profile
-def gen_caselist_txt(bin_, caselist, extra_args):
+def _gen_caselist_txt(bin_, caselist, extra_args):
     """Generate a caselist.txt and return its path.
     Extra args should be a list of extra arguments to pass to deqp.
@@ -106,7 +87,8 @@ def gen_caselist_txt(bin_, caselist, extra_args):
             [bin_, '--deqp-runmode=txt-caselist'] + extra_args, cwd=basedir,
             stdout=d, stderr=d)
-    assert os.path.exists(caselist_path)
+    assert os.path.exists(caselist_path), \
+        'Could not find {}'.format(caselist_path)
     return caselist_path
@@ -119,7 +101,7 @@ def _iterate_file(file_):
         yield line
-def _iter_deqp_test_groups(case_file):
+def _iter_test_groups(case_file):
     """Iterate over original dEQP testcase groups.
     This generator yields the name of each leaf group (that is, a group which
@@ -141,7 +123,7 @@ def _iter_deqp_test_groups(case_file):
                     'deqp: {}:{}: ill-formed line'.format(case_file, i))
-def _iter_deqp_test_single(case_file):
+def _iter_test_single(case_file):
     """Iterate over original dEQP testcase names."""
     with open(case_file, 'r') as caselist_file:
         for i, line in enumerate(_iterate_file(caselist_file)):
@@ -154,12 +136,70 @@ def _iter_deqp_test_single(case_file):
                     'deqp: {}:{}: ill-formed line'.format(case_file, i))
-def iter_deqp_test_cases(case_file):
+def _iter_test_cases(case_file):
     """Wrapper that sets the iterator based on the mode."""
     if OPTIONS.deqp_mode == 'group':
-        return _iter_deqp_test_groups(case_file)
+        return _iter_test_groups(case_file)
     elif OPTIONS.deqp_mode == 'test':
-        return _iter_deqp_test_single(case_file)
+        return _iter_test_single(case_file)
+def _pop(kwargs, name, default=None):
+    """A guard function for DEQPProfile."""
+    try:
+        return kwargs.pop(name)
+    except KeyError:
+        if default is not None:
+            return default
+        raise TypeError('Required keyword argument {} was not set'.format(name))
+class DEQPProfile(TestProfile):
+    """A profile specifically for dEQP tests.
+    This profile provides much of the necessary setup bits for dEQP
+    integration, including generating a valid test list.
+    All arguments not listed will be passed to the parent class.
+    Keyword Arguments:
+    single_class -- the class to use for 'test at a time' mode. Required.
+    multi_class -- the class to use for 'group at a time' mode. Required.
+    filter_ -- A function that filters that test cases. By default this is a
+               no-op function.
+    bin_ -- the dEQP binary to use. Required.
+    extra_args -- the extra arguments to pass to the dEQP binary for each test.
+                  Default: [].
+    filename -- the name of the txt file containing all of the test and group
+                information that dEQP generates. Required.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        # PYTHON3: This could all be done with explict keyword arguments
+        # instead of this...madness
+        pop = functools.partial(_pop, kwargs)
+        single_class = pop('single_class')
+        multi_class = pop('multi_class')
+        bin_ = pop('bin_')
+        filename = pop('filename')
+        extra_args = pop('extra_args', default=[])
+        filter_ = pop('filter_', default=lambda x: x)
+        super(DEQPProfile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        iter_ = _iter_test_cases(filter_(
+            _gen_caselist_txt(bin_, filename, extra_args)))
+        if OPTIONS.deqp_mode == 'group':
+            class_ = multi_class
+        elif OPTIONS.deqp_mode == 'test':
+            class_ = single_class
+        for testname in iter_:
+            piglit_name = testname.replace('.', grouptools.SEPARATOR)
+            self.test_list[piglit_name] = class_(testname)
diff --git a/tests/cts.py b/tests/cts.py
index e0b05d1..afbb842 100644
--- a/tests/cts.py
+++ b/tests/cts.py
@@ -45,9 +45,10 @@ PIGLIT_CTS_EXTRA_ARGS -- environment equivalent of [cts]:extra_args
 from __future__ import (
     absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
-import itertools
+import functools
 from framework.test import deqp
+from framework import profile
 __all__ = ['profile']
@@ -76,17 +77,28 @@ class DEQPCTSGroupTest(_Mixin, deqp.DEQPGroupTest):
-# Add all of the suites by default, users can use filters to remove them.
-profile = deqp.make_profile(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-    itertools.chain(
-        deqp.iter_deqp_test_cases(
-            deqp.gen_caselist_txt(_CTS_BIN, 'ES2-CTS-cases.txt', _EXTRA_ARGS)),
-        deqp.iter_deqp_test_cases(
-            deqp.gen_caselist_txt(_CTS_BIN, 'ES3-CTS-cases.txt', _EXTRA_ARGS)),
-        deqp.iter_deqp_test_cases(
-            deqp.gen_caselist_txt(_CTS_BIN, 'ES31-CTS-cases.txt', _EXTRA_ARGS)),
-        deqp.iter_deqp_test_cases(
-            deqp.gen_caselist_txt(_CTS_BIN, 'ESEXT-CTS-cases.txt',
-                                  _EXTRA_ARGS)),
-    ),
-    single_class=DEQPCTSTest, multi_class=DEQPCTSGroupTest)
+def _make_profile():
+    """Make a single profile for the GLES CTS.
+    The GLES CTS is wierd. It's 4 distinct test suites, that need to be run as
+    one. The profile mechanism for dEQP integration doesn't really support
+    this, so instead what is done is that 4 profiles are created, then merged.
+    This can easily be trimmed using the standard test filters from the command
+    line.
+    """
+    partial = functools.partial(deqp.DEQPProfile,
+                                single_class=DEQPCTSTest,
+                                multi_class=DEQPCTSGroupTest,
+                                bin_=_CTS_BIN,
+                                extra_args=_EXTRA_ARGS)
+    profile_ = partial(filename='ES2-CTS-cases.txt')
+    profile_.update(partial(filename='ES3-CTS-cases.txt'))
+    profile_.update(partial(filename='ES31-CTS-cases.txt'))
+    profile_.update(partial(filename='ESEXT-CTS-cases.txt'))
+    return profile_
+profile = _make_profile()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
diff --git a/tests/deqp_gles2.py b/tests/deqp_gles2.py
index 5bf3672..56279d8 100644
--- a/tests/deqp_gles2.py
+++ b/tests/deqp_gles2.py
@@ -57,8 +57,9 @@ class DEQPGLES2GroupTest(_Mixin, deqp.DEQPGroupTest):
-profile = deqp.make_profile(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-    deqp.iter_deqp_test_cases(
-        deqp.gen_caselist_txt(_DEQP_GLES2_BIN, 'dEQP-GLES2-cases.txt',
-                              _EXTRA_ARGS)),
-    single_class=DEQPGLES2Test, multi_class=DEQPGLES2GroupTest)
+profile = deqp.DEQPProfile(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    single_class=DEQPGLES2Test,
+    multi_class=DEQPGLES2GroupTest,
+    bin_=_DEQP_GLES2_BIN,
+    filename='dEQP-GLES2-cases.txt',
+    extra_args=_EXTRA_ARGS)
diff --git a/tests/deqp_gles3.py b/tests/deqp_gles3.py
index c50033b..506ef09 100644
--- a/tests/deqp_gles3.py
+++ b/tests/deqp_gles3.py
@@ -99,8 +99,10 @@ class DEQPGLES3GroupTest(_Mixin, deqp.DEQPGroupTest):
-profile = deqp.make_profile(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-    deqp.iter_deqp_test_cases(filter_mustpass(
-        deqp.gen_caselist_txt(_DEQP_GLES3_EXE, 'dEQP-GLES3-cases.txt',
-                              _EXTRA_ARGS))),
-    single_class=DEQPGLES3Test, multi_class=DEQPGLES3GroupTest)
+profile = deqp.DEQPProfile(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    single_class=DEQPGLES3Test,
+    multi_class=DEQPGLES3GroupTest,
+    bin_=_DEQP_GLES3_EXE,
+    filename='dEQP-GLES3-cases.txt',
+    filter_=filter_mustpass,
+    extra_args=_EXTRA_ARGS)
diff --git a/tests/deqp_gles31.py b/tests/deqp_gles31.py
index 666dcab..8691939 100644
--- a/tests/deqp_gles31.py
+++ b/tests/deqp_gles31.py
@@ -57,8 +57,9 @@ class DEQPGLES31GroupTest(_Mixin, deqp.DEQPGroupTest):
-profile = deqp.make_profile(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-    deqp.iter_deqp_test_cases(
-        deqp.gen_caselist_txt(_DEQP_GLES31_BIN, 'dEQP-GLES31-cases.txt',
-                              _EXTRA_ARGS)),
-    single_class=DEQPGLES31Test, multi_class=DEQPGLES31GroupTest)
+profile = deqp.DEQPProfile(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    single_class=DEQPGLES31Test,
+    multi_class=DEQPGLES31GroupTest,
+    bin_=_DEQP_GLES31_BIN,
+    filename='dEQP-GLES31-cases.txt',
+    extra_args=_EXTRA_ARGS)
diff --git a/tests/deqp_vk.py b/tests/deqp_vk.py
index 9a31c46..1cfce6e 100644
--- a/tests/deqp_vk.py
+++ b/tests/deqp_vk.py
@@ -77,8 +77,9 @@ class DEQPVKGroupTest(_Mixin, deqp.DEQPGroupTest):
-profile = deqp.make_profile(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-    deqp.iter_deqp_test_cases(
-        deqp.gen_caselist_txt(_DEQP_VK_BIN, 'dEQP-VK-cases.txt',
-                              _EXTRA_ARGS)),
-    single_class=DEQPVKTest, multi_class=DEQPVKGroupTest)
+profile = deqp.DEQPProfile(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    single_class=DEQPVKTest,
+    multi_class=DEQPVKGroupTest,
+    bin_=_DEQP_VK_BIN,
+    filename='dEQP-VK-cases.txt',
+    extra_args=_EXTRA_ARGS)
diff --git a/unittests/deqp_tests.py b/unittests/deqp_tests.py
index f3b243e..2d347a8 100644
--- a/unittests/deqp_tests.py
+++ b/unittests/deqp_tests.py
@@ -28,10 +28,12 @@ tests
 from __future__ import (
     absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
+import copy
 import sys
 import textwrap
 import nose.tools as nt
+import six
 # There is a bug in mock < 1.2 or python 3.4 that we'd like to avoid, otherwise
 # some tests will skip.
@@ -105,34 +107,17 @@ def test_get_option_conf_no_option():
-class TestMakeProfile(object):
-    """Test deqp.make_profile."""
-    @classmethod
-    def setup_class(cls):
-        cls.profile = deqp.make_profile(['this.is.a.deqp.test'], _DEQPTestTest)
-    def test_returns_profile(self):
-        """deqp.make_profile: returns a TestProfile"""
-        nt.assert_is_instance(self.profile, profile.TestProfile)
-    @doc_formatter
-    def test_grouptools(self):
-        """deqp.make_profile: replaces '.' with '{separator}'"""
-        nt.assert_in(grouptools.join('this', 'is', 'a', 'deqp', 'test'),
-                     self.profile.test_list)
 def test_iter_deqp_test_cases_test():
     """deqp.iter_deqp_test_cases: correctly detects a TEST: line"""
     with utils.tempfile('TEST: a.deqp.test') as tfile:
-        gen = deqp.iter_deqp_test_cases(tfile)
+        gen = deqp._iter_test_cases(tfile)
         nt.eq_('a.deqp.test', next(gen))
 def test_iter_deqp_test_cases_group():
     """deqp.iter_deqp_test_casesgen_caselist_txt: correctly detects a GROUP: line"""
     with utils.tempfile('GROUP: a group\nTEST: a.deqp.test') as tfile:
-        gen = deqp.iter_deqp_test_cases(tfile)
+        gen = deqp._iter_test_cases(tfile)
         nt.eq_('a.deqp.test', next(gen))
@@ -141,7 +126,7 @@ def test_iter_deqp_test_cases_bad():
     """deqp.iter_deqp_test_casesgen_caselist_txt: PiglitFatalException is raised if line is not TEST: or GROUP:
     with utils.tempfile('this will fail') as tfile:
-        gen = deqp.iter_deqp_test_cases(tfile)
+        gen = deqp._iter_test_cases(tfile)
         nt.eq_('a.deqp.test', next(gen))
@@ -552,6 +537,42 @@ def test_iter_deqp_test_groups():
     with mock.patch('framework.test.deqp.open', create=True,
-        actual = list(deqp._iter_deqp_test_groups(None))
+        actual = list(deqp._iter_test_groups(None))
     nt.assert_list_equal(actual, expected)
+ at utils.nose_generator
+def test_DEQPProfile_init_required():
+    """Generate tests for DEQPPRofile's constructor required arguments.
+    Basically this builds a valid list of arguments, and then erases them one
+    by one looking for an exception.
+    """
+    description = 'deqp.DEQPProfile: requires kwarg {}'
+    kwargs = {
+        'single_class': None,
+        'multi_class': None,
+        'bin_': None,
+        'filename': None,
+    }
+    def test(arg):
+        """The actual test."""
+        test_args = copy.copy(kwargs)
+        del test_args[arg]
+        with nt.assert_raises(TypeError) as e:
+            deqp.DEQPProfile(**test_args)
+        # Ensure that we're getting the right error.
+        # An initial version of the test "passed" because of a typo in
+        # DEQPProfile
+        nt.eq_(six.text_type(e.exception),
+               'Required keyword argument {} was not set'.format(arg))
+    for arg in six.iterkeys(kwargs):
+        test.description = description.format(arg)
+        yield test, arg

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